
A React higher-order component for share state using a Pub/Sub pattern

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactSharestateHoc from '';



A React higher-order component for share state using a Pub/Sub pattern


$ npm install react-sharestate-hoc --save


A React higher-order components, HOC, is a function that receive a React Component and return a enhance version.

With this module state of 1 component cam be share with n components. A 1 to n relationship. This is useful when a component state depends on state of another and there is not a parent relationship between them. This is usually done with Flux pattern but this time is solved with a minimal implementation of the Pub/Sub pattern using higher order React components.

Module contains two HOC, shareState and sharedState:

  • shareState is the component that share his state. Only can be one instance of it.
  • sharedState are subscribers of shareState components and can be many of them.



Share state of React component C, store is a empty object use for save the singleton instance of C and internal data

shareState(C, store)`

passed props

  • _setShareState is a callback function for set shared state
  • _shareStore is the store object

shareStateBind function

This is a helper function for "good looking" declaration of shareState components using ES.Next Function Bind Syntax


On this Example, declared share component function is use like a store too:

import { shareStateBind as shareState } from 'react-sharestate-hoc';

const SampleComponent = props => SampleComponent::shareState(<OneComponent {...props}/>);


Subscribe to a component that share his state, many can subscribe to same. C is the component to be wrapped. prop is a custom prop string name used for pass share state singleton store object, this prop connect a shareState component with sharedState components.

sharedState(C, prop)

passed props

  • sharedComponent default prop string name of shareState store object
  • _instance instance of share state component
  • _shared shared state component

getComponentInstance function

A helper function that return a promise of a share Component instance. This could be useful if needed create a custom sharedState HOC.

getComponentInstance(store, ms)


  • Documentation improvement
  • Feel free to send any PR