
Slippy map implementation for React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactSlippyMap from '';



From-scratch implementation of a "web mercator"-projected slippy map. This is not a wrapper around an existing old-style map widget, but a real React component.

A demo (for desktop Firefox and Chrome):

Usage example

import { SlippyMap, Marker, Label, InfoBox } from "react-slippy-map";

let coords = { latitude: 53.90824, longitude: 27.56136 };
let infoCoords = { latitude: 53.90902, longitude: 27.562 };

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <SlippyMap center={coords} zoom={16}>
      <Label coords={coords} text="You are here" />
      <Marker coords={coords} />

      <InfoBox coords={infoCoords}>
        <b>Howdy, Globe</b>

It's possible to use the Pin component and put any content inside of it:

import { SlippyMap, Pin } from "react-slippy-map";

function MapWithUser(props) {
  return (
      <Pin coords={props.userCoords}>
        <div style={{ background: "white", padding: "1em" }}>You are here</div>
        <UserMarker title="You are here" />

Any component can also be placed on the map after wrapping it in the pinned high-order component:

import { SlippyMap, pinned } from "react-slippy-map";

// Create a custom marker
const userMarkerStyle = {
  width: "32px",
  height: "32px",
  // Pin is positioned by its left top corner, so
  // to make our marker's center appear right above
  // the reference point we shift it halfway left and top.
  position: "relative",
  left: "-16px",
  top: "-16px"
function UserMarker(props) {
  return (
    <div style={userMarkerStyle} title={props.title}>
      <img src={userMarkerImage} alt="" />

// Make a "pinned" version of the UserMarker
const PinnedUserMarker = pinned(UserMarker);

// ...And place it on the map
function MapWithUser(props) {
  return (
      <PinnedUserMarker coords={props.userCoords} title="You are here" />


SlippyMap is the main component that actually draws the map with tiles.

The map component has width and height assigned to 100%, thus its size is controlled by the size of its container.

The properties are:

  • required baseTilesUrl
  • center: { latitude:number, longitude:number }
  • onCenterChange - called with {latitude, longitude} every time the user drags the map
  • children - content like markers and boxes
  • zoom - zoom level, typically from 1 to 18, but depends on the tile provider; can be fractional (in that case the closest zoom's tiles are scaled)
  • onClick - function that is called on click events on the map; receives a {latitude, longitude} object as the argument
  • onWheel - called with the wheel event as the argument when the user uses the mouse wheel

If center is not set, the map starts at defaultCenter and takes care of controlling this prop itself. If zoom is not set, the map starts at defaultZoom, renders additionally zoom in/out buttons and controls the zoom itself. Additionally, minZoom, maxZoom and zoomStep props are taken into account by the zoom buttons.


Path renders as a polyline on the map.

  • required points - array of {latitude, longitude} objects
  • color = "orange" - color of the line

Controlling the map state

An example of controlling the map:

import React from "react";
import { SlippyMap } from "react-slippy-map";

class MyMap extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      center: { latitude: 53.9049, longitude: 27.5609 },
      zoom: 10
    this.onCenterChange = this.onCenterChange.bind(this);
    this.onWheel = this.onWheel.bind(this);

  onCenterChange(center) {
    this.setState({ center });

  onWheel(event) {
    this.setState(function(state) {
      let delta = event.deltaY > 0 ? -1 : 1;
      return { zoom: state.zoom + delta };

  render() {
    return (
      <div style={{ height: "500px" }}>


It's possible to wrap multiple objects in a Cluster component and have them clustered:

import { SlippyMap as Map, Clusters } from "react-slippy-map";

function View(props) {
  return (
      <Clusters objects={props.zerlings} />
      <Clusters objects={props.marines} />

The Cluster component's objects property must be an array with objects, each having a coords field with latitude and longitude. For example:

let zerlings = [
    type: "zerling",
    health: 50,
    coords: { latitude: 12.3, longitude: 58.2042 }
    type: "zerling",
    health: 48,
    coords: { latitude: 12.3001, longitude: 58.2044 }

The pixel distance at which objects are merged into a cluster is set in the threshold property:

<Clusters threshold={20} objects={zerlings}/>

By default after the calculation of resulting cluster centers the clusters component renders standard markers at those points. The rendering can be controlled by a callback passed as render property.

The callback will receive a cluster object with the field objects having a subset of the original objects property and will have to return a JSX element:

function View(props) {
  return <Clusters objects={props.zerlings} render={renderZerlingsCluster} />;

function renderZerlingsCluster(cluster) {
  let n = cluster.objects.count;

  // If this cluster has only one zerling, render it as usual.
  if (n == 1) {
    let zerlingObject = cluster.objects[0];
    return <Zerling {...zerlingObject} />;

  // If there are multiple zerlings, render some meta info.
  let label = "";
  if (n > 50) {
    label = "You're gone, pal";
  } else if (n > 20) {
    label = "Get more firebats";
  } else {
    label = "Them again";
  return <ManyZerlings label={label} />;