
A react-static plugin for development environments triggering route rebuilds when files change

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactStaticPluginFileWatchReload from '';


react-static-plugin-file-watch-reload 🗂

License David dependencies

This plugin allows you to specify file(s), that, when changed, will trigger a route reload. This is very useful in an development environment.

For this functionality, the rebuildRoutes function of react-static is called whenever a file change is detected. Under the hood, this package uses chokidar for file watching.


In an existing react-static site run:

$ yarn add -D react-static-plugin-file-watch-reload

Then add the plugin to your static.config.js:

export default {
  plugins: [
        // example configuration
        paths: ['your/path/here.json', 'another/file/here.json'],


In your static.config.js, you should pass configuration options to the plugin.

paths: string | string[]

Pass files, directories, or glob patterns for watching. Takes an array of strings or just one string. By default, directories are watched recursively. You may take a look at chokidar's documentation to find out exactly which formats are supported.

silent: boolean

Default value: false

By default, the plugin will log whenever a watched file changes. You may disable the log messages by setting silent: true in the plugin options.

config: chokidar.WatchOptions

The default configuration of this plugin should match most needs. However, optionally, you may pass a chokidar config object here to override the default config.

For reference, the default config this plugin uses is as follows:

const defaultConfig = {
  awaitWriteFinish: {
    stabilityThreshold: 500,

Please refer to the full API docs of chokidar to find out which configuration options are available.