
A React component based css grid library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactStitch from '';


React stitch

React stitch is a sweet React component based css-grid library.


In your main application, you will want to ensure you have:

  • React (npm install react)
  • React DOM (npm install react-dom)
  • Styled components (npm install styled-components)

Installation & Usage

NPM or Yarn:

  • npm install react-stitch

In your application you can import your grid components from the module:

import { GridBlock, GridCell } from 'react-stitch'

const SomeApp = () => {
  return (
        This is your first Cell

export default SomeApp

Browser support


The grid block is defaulted to a 12 section grid and has an option to add a gap width between each section by passing in a gridGap prop. GridBlock can be modified to have a specific grid quantity by passing in a gridSections property as well.

<GridBlock gridGap="10px" gridSections="4"></GridBlock>

The gridSections prop is planned for deprecation come 2.0 Please use gridTemplateColumns or gridColumnRepeat and/or its row equivalent to prevent any issues when upgrading.

<GridBlock gridGap="10px" gridColumnRepeat="4"></GridBlock>

You can add in some custom grid sizing using the gridTemplateColumns or gridTemplateRows property.

  <GridBlock gridTemplateRows="70vh 30vh">
    <GridCell gridColumnSpan={12}>
      Your first cell will end up taking the top 70vh of the view.
    <GridCell gridColumnSpan={12}>
      Your second cell will take the remaining 30vh of the view here.

The GridBlock component can also accept a GridStyles object property.

const App = () => {
  const gridBlockStyles = {
    gridColumnRepeat: 4,
    gridRowRepeat: 2

  return (
    <GridBlock gridStyles={gridBlockStyles}>
      Now you have a sweet custom grid


The grid cell is defaulted to auto and will place each cell inline till it a cell reaches the end of a grid block. Once reached, a new row will be created. Grid cells can be modified to be individually placed using the gridColumn prop or modified to span across several grids using the gridColumnSpan prop.

  <GridCell gridColumn="2/4">
    Will take up the area between section 2 and 4
  <GridCell gridColumnSpan={3}>
    Will span 3 grid sections starting at where the last grid left off

Aligning a cell is also very simple. Using vAlignCell and alignCell props, you can specify any assortment available to justification and alignment properties. (

  <GridCell vAlignCell="center" alignCell="center">
    The contents of this cell will be vertically and laterally centered.

For multiple styles, a GridCell component can accept a gridStyles object prop.

const App = () => {
  const gridCellStyles = {

  return (
      <GridCell gridStyles={gridCellStyles}>
        Styles applied here!

export default App

Nesting Grids

A GridBlock component can be nested inside of a GridCell component and modified GridBlock properties above. However, new GridBlock components will inherit the parent's alignment and vertical alignment of its parent GridCell.

// App.js

import { GridBlock, GridCell } from 'react-stitch'

const SomeApp = () => {
    <GridCell vAlignCell="center" alignCell="center">
          Contents here inherit the center cell alignments of the parent cell.

Issue Reporting

Please report any issues you encounter via GitHub issues page.