
Use a web worker to upload files in a snap in your React app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactUploadWebWorker from '';



Using a web worker to upload a file could not be easier:

Install dependency

yarn add react-upload-web-worker

use it

import ruww from 'react-upload-web-worker'

export default () => <input
    onChange={e => {
        const files = []
        const ids = => ruww.start({
            method: 'PUT'
            // PUT is the default,
            // and the moment is THE ONLY one supported,
            // thus you can skip that; also expect the
            // upload to not work if u use others 
            url: 'YOUR_UPLOAD_URL',
            headers: {
                'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' : '*',
                'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' :'*',
                'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
            onStart: data => { /* ... */},
            onProgress: data => { /* ... + progress data */},
            onAbort: data => { /* ... */},
            onEnd: data => { /* ... */},

No request headers are sent by default, thus you will have to provide them


All the onXXX listeners receive a data object which has always at least the following fields:

    "id": "UWW_1",
    "action": "start",
    "fileName": "2019_100_00000_F24ESEG_mpdf.pdf"


  • id: a unique id associated with this upload
  • action: the action
  • fileName: the upload file name, clearly

with the exception of onProgress which additionally receives inside data also a progress field as follows:

"progress": {
    "percent": 4.84,
    "loaded": 9601024,
    "total": 198546361 


  • percent: the progress percentage with two decimals
  • loaded: amount of Bytes already loaded
  • total: total amount of Bytes of the uploading file


react-upload-web-worker offert two methods, one is start as we saw above, it returns an id for this upload (the same value that is passed to the listeners).

Using the id returned by start we can invoke abort passing this id:

ruww.abort("UWW_1") // and this will trigger the onAbort if set

Minimal working example *

In case you cloned this repo you can start a minimal example, which also shows a possible simple way to show the uploading status for all the uploading files.

Start a minimal local server which exposes a PUT enpoint on http://localhost:3000/upload

node source/srv/index.js

and let it run, then in another terminal tab

yarn & yarn start

now upload one or more files and check the source/srv/uploads folder content. **

* requires a clone from github
** aborted streams are anyway partially written, but this is sompletely another story