
Simple and configurable React component to prettify XMLs. >

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactXmlViewer from '';



Simple and configurable React component to prettify XMLs.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

Codesandbox demo



npm install --save react-xml-viewer


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import XMLViewer from 'react-xml-viewer'

const xml = '<hello>World</hello>'

export default class App extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
        <XMLViewer xml={xml} />


xml (string)

A xml string to prettify. Default: undefined Example: <hello>World</hello>

indentSize (number)

The size of the indentation. Default: 2

invalidXml (node)

When the xml is invalid, invalidXml will be returned. Default:

Invalid XML!

collapsible (bool)

Allow collapse/expand tags by click on them When tag is collapsed its content and attributes are hidden. Only is shown Default: false

theme (object)

Key Type Default Description
attributeKeyColor color #2a7ab0 set the attribute key color (<tag attribute-key="hello" />)
attributeValueColor color #008000 set the attribute value color ( <tag attr="Attribute value">)
cdataColor color #1D781D set the cdata element color (<![CDATA[some stuff]]>)
commentColor color #aaa set the comment color (<!-- this is a comment -->)
separatorColor color #333 set the separators colors (<, >, </, />, =, <?, ?>)
tagColor color #d43900 set the tag name color (<tag-name />)
textColor color #333 set the text color (<tag>Text</tag>)
overflowBreak bool false adjust the xml to fit in the parent width without overflowing

Example: Changing attribute key and value color

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import XMLViewer from 'react-xml-viewer'

const xml = '<hello attr="World" />'
const customTheme = {
  "attributeKeyColor": "#FF0000",
  "attributeValueColor": "#000FF"

export default class App extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
        <XMLViewer xml={xml} theme={customTheme} />

Run with typescript

If you have difficulties to run with typescript declare module 'react-xml-viewer' to react-app-env.d.ts


MIT © alissonmbr