
A JS package for scraping recipes from the web.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import recippadScraper from '';



A NodeJS package for scraping recipes from the web. This is a fork form the original project locate at:


yarn add recippad-scraper


// import the module
const recipeScraper = require("recippad-scraper");

// enter a supported recipe url as a parameter - returns a promise
async function someAsyncFunc() {
  let recipe = await recipeScraper("some.recipe.url");

// using Promise chaining
recipeScraper("some.recipe.url").then(recipe => {
    // do something with recipe
  }).catch(error => {
    // do something with error

Supported Websites

Recipe Object

Depending on the recipe, certain fields may be left blank. All fields are represented as strings or arrays of strings. The name, ingredients, and instructions properties are required for schema validation.

    name: "",
    ingredients: [],
    instructions: [],
    tags: [],
    servings: "",
    image: "",
    time: {
      prep: "",
      cook: "",
      active: "",
      inactive: "",
      ready: "",
      total: ""

Error Handling

If the url provided is invalid and a domain is unable to be parsed, an error message will be returned.

recipeScraper("keyboard kitty").catch(error => {
  // => "Failed to parse domain"

If the url provided doesn't match a supported domain, an error message will be returned.

recipeScraper("some.invalid.url").catch(error => {
  // => "Site not yet supported"

If a recipe is not found on a supported domain site, an error message will be returned.

recipeScraper("").catch(error => {
  // => "No recipe found on page"

If a page does not exist or some other 400+ error occurs when fetching, an error message will be returned.

recipeScraper("").catch(error => {
  // => "No recipe found on page"

If a supported url does not contain the proper sub-url to be a valid recipe, an error message will be returned including the sub-url required.

recipeScraper("some.improper.url").catch(error => {
  // => "url provided must include '#subUrl'"


With web scraping comes a reliance on the website being used not changing format. If this occurs we need to update our scrape.