
Redact sensitive information from JSON for logging (Node.js)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import redactylJs from '';



Redact sensitive information from JSON for logging (Node.js)


npm install -S redactyl.js

Quick Start

Instantiate a new instance of Redactyl, specifying the properties you wish to redact

const Redactyl = require('redactyl.js');

let redactyl = new Redactyl({
  'properties': [ 'apiKey', 'password', 'phone' ]

Then run your sensitive data through the redact function!

const data = {
  'apiKey': 'a1b2c3',
  'password': 'P@$w0rd',
  'phone': 1234567890

const redacted = redactyl.redact(data);
/* Result:
    'apiKey': '[REDACTED]',
    'password': '[REDACTED]',
    'phone': '[REDACTED]'

Constructor Options - Object

  • properties - Array - An array of property names that should be redacted.
  • text - String - Custom text to replace the redacted properties with.


addProperties(properties) Add the names of properties that should be redacted.

setText(text) Set the text to replace the redacted properties with. Default: [REDACTED]

redact(json) Traverse through the specified JSON and replace all properties that match the property names set through the constructor options object, or the setText function.