
Configurable animation showing a transition from categorized geographic points on a map into a chart

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reglMapAnimation from '';




live demo

Animate x/y point data using regl and categorize them for vizualization. Point data should be defined as an array of objects {x,y,value} - with "value" being the numerical indicator with which the points will be categorized.

Installation & Usage

The project is built using UMD so it works both in browsers and in node.js


Within a node.js project simply run the following command:

npm i regl-map-animation --save

Then import:

import { animation } from "regl-map-animation";

    .legendTitle("Population per 5 km²")


As a standalone script use:

<script src=""></script>


    .legendTitle("Population per 5 km²")


Name Description Type Required Default
pointData An array of objects with the following format: {x,y,value} - where value is the indicator used for categorization and colouring [{x: number, y: number, value: number}] True
container container div on which regl will append its canvas HTML element False document.body
numPoints number of points to display number False pointData.length
pointMargin Margin applied to the bars in the bar chart number False 1
duration The duration of each transition animation in milliseconds number False 5000
delayAtEnd How long to stay at a final frame before animating again (in milliseconds) number False 0
width Width of the animation container (pixels) number False window.innerWidth
height Height of the animation container (pixels) number False window.innerHeight
stops Thresholds used for categorizing points by their "value" attribute array[number] False
colors An array of Hex values corresponding with the number of defined stops array[hexString] False
projection Spatial reference of the points x and y values. Accepted values are "EPSG:3035" or "EPSG:4326" string False "EPSG:3035"
mapPadding Add padding (in pixels) to the map animation number False
backgroundColor Sets the container's background colour (WebGL RGBA array of values from 0 to 1) [number,number,number,number] False [1,1,1,1] (white)


Inspired by Peter Beshai and adapted from his excellent tutorial on regl.