
RGB REST API JavaScript client (for both web browsers and Node.js)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rgbRestClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/rgb-rest-client';


RGB REST JavaScript Client

A JavaScript library used to consume the RGB REST API service provided by Blockchain of Things.


On Node.js:

npm install rgb-rest-client

On the browser:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/rgb-rest-client"></script>

Browser compatibility

The RGB REST JavaScript Client library is compatible with modern web browsers.

It has been tested on the following web browsers:

  • Safari ver. 14.0 (on macOS Big Sur 11.2)
  • Google Chrome ver. 89.0 64 bits (on macOS Big Sur 11.2)
  • Firefox ver. 86.0 64-bits (on macOS Big Sur 11.2)
  • Microsoft Edge ver. 89.0 64 bits (on macOS Big Sur 11.2)


Instantiate the RGB REST client object.

On Node.js:

const rgbRestClient = require('rgb-rest-client');

const rgb = new rgbRestClient.RgbRestClient();

On the browser:

const rgb = new rgbRestClient.RgbRestClient();

Constructor options

The following options can be used when instantiating the RGB REST client object:

  • network [String] - (optional, default: 'testnet') Target Bitcoin blockchain network. Valid values:
    • 'testnet'
    • 'signet'
  • host [String] - (optional, default: 'rgb.blockchainofthings.com') Host name (with optional port) of target RGB REST API server.
  • secure [String] - (optional, default: true) Indicates whether a secure connection (HTTPS) should be used.
  • version [String] - (optional, default: '1.1') Version of RGB REST API to target.

Calling API methods

Issue fungible asset

Using a callback:

    'TST1',           // Ticker
    'Test asset #1',  // Name
    0,                // Precision
    {                 // Allocations
    {                 // Options
        description:'RGB asset used for testing RGB REST client'    // Description
    (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
            console.error('Error issuing fungible RGB asset:', err);
        else {
            console.log('Newly issued asset info:', data.assetInfo);

Using promise:

    'TST1',           // Ticker
    'Test asset #1',  // Name
    0,                // Precision
    {                 // Allocations
    {                 // Options
        description:'RGB asset used for testing RGB REST client'    // Description
.then(data => {
    console.log('Newly issued asset info:', data.assetInfo);
.catch(err => {
    console.error('Error issuing fungible RGB asset:', err);

Retrieve unspent Bitcoin transaction outputs managed by a wallet

Using a callback:

    'wpkh([bbdc7dee/0\'/0\']tpubDAi9mxwvCucazfwjsVTe7BQ9imvKsLA2ZifaHpETwAEtMNroXkWeVAQGhq6EyhD7i8fBCE2mVaeLL638g8zD1faLXtcFHsvAdxuD1ffNgWs/*\')#nx3xqje2', // Wallet descriptor
    {       // Options
        keyRangeStartIdx: 0,
        keyRangeCount: 100
    (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
            console.error('Error retrieving wallet UTXOs:', err);
        else {
            console.log('Wallet UTXOs:', data.utxos);

Using promise:

    'wpkh([bbdc7dee/0\'/0\']tpubDAi9mxwvCucazfwjsVTe7BQ9imvKsLA2ZifaHpETwAEtMNroXkWeVAQGhq6EyhD7i8fBCE2mVaeLL638g8zD1faLXtcFHsvAdxuD1ffNgWs/*\')#nx3xqje2', // Wallet descriptor
    {       // Options
        keyRangeStartIdx: 0,
        keyRangeCount: 100
.then(data => {
    console.log('Wallet UTXOs:', data.utxos);
.catch(err => {
    console.error('Error retrieving wallet UTXOs:', err);

Error handling

Two types of error can take place when calling API methods: client or API error.

Client errors return generic error objects.

API errors, on the other hand, return a custom RgbRestError object.

RgbRestError objects are extended from Javascript's standard Error object, so they share the same characteristics with the following exceptions:

  • The value of the name field is set to RgbRestError
  • It has the following additional fields: httpStatusMessage, httpStatusCode, and apiErrorMessage

Note: the apiErrorMessage field of the RgbRestError object contains the error message returned by the RGB REST API service. However, there might be cases where that field is undefined.

Usage example:

const rgbRestClient = require('rgb-rest-client');

const rgb = new rgbRestClient.RgbRestClient();

    '',     // Ticker
    '',     // Name
    0,      // Precision
    (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
            if (err instanceof rgbRestClient.RgbRestError) {
                // RGB REST API error
                console.log('HTTP status code:', err.httpStatusCode);
                console.log('HTTP status message:', err.httpStatusMessage);
                console.log('API error message:', err.apiErrorMessage);
                console.log('Compiled error message:', err.message);
            else {
                // Client error
        else {
            // Process returned data

Expected result:

HTTP status code: 400
HTTP status message: Bad Request
Catenis error message: Invalid parameters
Compiled error message: Error returned from RGB REST API endpoint: [400] Invalid parameters


This JavaScript library is released under the MIT License. Feel free to fork, and modify!

Copyright © 2021, Blockchain of Things Inc.