
Automatically declare NodeJS built-in modules and npm dependencies as 'external' in Rollup config

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rollupPluginNodeExternals from '';



A Rollup plugin that automatically declares NodeJS built-in modules as external. Also handles npm dependencies, devDependencies, peerDependencies and optionalDependencies. Works in monorepos too!

Breaking changes in version 4

  • In previous versions, the deps option (see below) defaulted to false. This was practial, but often wrong: when bundling for distribution, you want your own dependencies to be installed by the package manager alongside your package, so they should not be bundled in the code. Therefore, the deps option now defaults to true.
  • rollup-plugin-node-externals now requires Node 14 (up from Node 12 for previous versions).
  • rollup-plugin-node-externals now has a peer dependency on Rollup 2.60.0.


(click to expand) By default, Rollup doesn't know a thing about NodeJS, so trying to bundle simple things like `import * as path from 'path'` in your code generates an `Unresolved dependencies` warning.

The solution here is quite simple: you must tell Rollup that the path module is in fact external. This way, Rollup won't try to bundle it in and rather leave the import statement as is (or translate it to a require() call if bundling for CommonJS).

However, this must be done for each and every NodeJS built-in you happen to use in your program: path, os, fs, url, etc., which can quicky become cumbersome when done manually.

So the primary goal of this plugin is simply to automatically declare all NodeJS built-in modules as external.

As an added bonus, this plugin will also allow you to declare your dependencies (as per your local or monorepo package.json file(s)) as external.


Use your favorite package manager. Mine is npm.

npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-node-externals


  • To bundle a package that depends on other packages at runtime (e.g., a library or a NodeJS CLI), install your own dependencies with --save. Then, the built-in defaults are just what you need:
export default {
  plugins: [
    externals(),  // Make all Node builtins, deps, devDeps, peerDeps and optDeps external
  • To bundle a standalone app (such as a browser app):
export default {
  plugins: [
      deps: false,    // If you installed your own deps with --save
      devDeps: false  // If you installed your own deps with --save-dev


import externals from 'rollup-plugin-node-externals'

export default {
  plugins: [
      // The path(s) to your package.json. Optional. See below for default.
      packagePath?: string | string[],

      // Make node builtins external. Optional. Default: true
      builtins?: boolean,

      // Treat prefixed builtins as their unprefixed counterpart. Optional. Default: 'strip'
      prefixedBuiltins?: boolean | 'strip',

      // Make pkg.dependencies external. Optional. Default: true
      deps?: boolean,

      // Make pkg.devDependencies external. Optional. Default: true
      devDeps?: boolean,

      // Make pkg.peerDependencies external. Optional. Default: true
      peerDeps?: boolean,

      // Make pkg.optionalDependencies external. Optional. Default: true
      optDeps?: boolean,

      // Modules to force include in externals. Optional. Default: []
      include?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[],

      // Modules to force exclude from externals. Optional. Default: []
      exclude?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]

packagePath?: string | string[] = []

If you're working with monorepos, the packagePath is made for you. It can take a path, or an array of paths, to your package.json file(s). If not specified, the default is to start with the current directory's package.json then go up scan for all package.json files in parent directories recursively until either the root git directory is reached or until no other package.json can be found.

builtins?: boolean = true

Set the builtins option to false if you'd like to use some shims for those. You'll most certainly need an other plugin for this.

prefixedBuiltins?: boolean | 'strip' = 'strip'

How to handle the node: (or sometimes nodejs:) prefix some authors use in their code (i.e., import path from 'node:path'). If false, the import is used as-is to determine if it is external, meaning that 'node:path' and 'path' are considered two distincts imports. If true, prefixed builtins are treated as their unprefixed equivalent. If strip (the default), the prefix is also removed from the name and other plugins will never know it was there.

deps?: boolean = true

devDeps?: boolean = true

peerDeps?: boolean = true

optDeps?: boolean = true

Set the deps, devDeps, peerDeps and optDeps options to false to prevent the corresponding dependencies from being externalized, therefore letting Rollup bundle them with your code.

include?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[] = []

exclude?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[] = []

Use the include option to force certain dependencies into the list of externals:

  deps: false,                // Deps will be bundled in
  include: /^fsevents/        // Except for fsevents

Conversely, use the exclude option to remove certain dependencies from the list of externals:

  deps: true,                 // Deps are external
  exclude: 'electron-reload'  // Yet we want `electron-reload` bundled in


1/ This plugin is smart

Falsy values in include and exclude are silently ignored. This allows for conditional constructs like so: exclude: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && 'my-prod-only-dep'.

2/ This plugin is not that smart

It uses an exact match against your imports, so if your are using some kind of path substitution in your code, eg.:

// In your code, say '@/' is mapped to some directory:
import something from '@/mylib'

and you don't want mylib bundled in, then write:

// In rollup.config.js:
    include: '@/mylib'

However, subpath imports are supported with regexes, meaning that include: /^lodash/ will also externalize loadash/map, lodash/merge, etc.

3/ Order matters

If you're also using @rollup/plugin-node-resolve, make sure this plugin comes before it in the plugins array:

import externals from 'rollup-plugin-node-externals'
import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'


export default {
  plugins: [

As a general rule of thumb, you might want to always make this plugin the first one in the plugins array.

4/ Rollup rules

Rollup's own external configuration option always takes precedence over this plugin. This is intentional.
