
Rollup Plugin to automatically resolve path aliases set in the compilerOptions section of tsconfig.json.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rollupPluginTypescriptPaths from '';



Build Status

Rollup Plugin to automatically resolve path aliases set in the compilerOptions section of tsconfig.json.

Don't use it if you're already using rollup-plugin-typescript. This plugin is only for use cases where your TypeScript code has already been transpiled before rollup runs.

For example, if you have

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    // ...
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@utils": ["src/helpers/utils"]
import { something } from '@utils';

Then this plugin will make sure that rollup knows how to resolve @utils.


  • No config required. 😎
  • Wildcards are supported. 💪
  • Uses nodeModuleNameResolver from the Typescript API. 🤓


npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-typescript-paths


import { typescriptPaths } from 'rollup-plugin-typescript-paths';

export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [typescriptPaths()],


  • tsConfigPath: Custom path to your tsconfig.json. Use this if the plugin can't seem to find the correct one by itself.
  • absolute: Whether to resolve to absolute paths or not; defaults to true.
  • transform: If the plugin successfully resolves a path, this function allows you to hook into the process and transform that path before it is returned.
  • preserveExtensions: Whether to preserve .ts and .tsx file extensions instead of having them changed to .js; defaults to false.
