
Upload a single page application to S3 with the right content-type and cache-control meta-data

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import s3SpaUpload from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/s3-spa-upload';


S3 SPA Upload

Upload a Single Page Application (React, Angular, Vue, ...) to S3 with the right content-type and cache-control meta-data

Build Status

This requires the following AWS S3 permissions (see sample CloudFormation policy template below):

  • s3:PutObject on objects in your bucket
  • s3:ListBucket on your bucket (only needed when using --delete option)
  • s3:DeleteObject on objects in your bucket (only needed when using --delete option)


To install globally (recommended):

npm install -g s3-spa-upload

Command Line Usage

Basic usage:

s3-spa-upload dist-dir my-s3-bucket-name

Clean-up old files

To also clean up old files, use the --delete option. This will delete all files in the bucket that are not included in the current upload (limited to the supplied prefix, see below):

s3-spa-upload dist-dir my-s3-bucket-name --delete

Custom cache-control mapping

You can provide your desired cache-control mapping in a json file that contains a mapping from glob patterns to cache-control headers:

    "index.html": "no-cache",
    "*.js": "public,max-age=31536000,immutable"

Suppose your mapping file is called cache-control.json:

s3-spa-upload dist-dir my-s3-bucket-name --cache-control-mapping cache-control.json

If you don't provide a custom mapping, the default will be used, which should be okay for most SPA's, see below.

Upload to a prefix

By default the SPA will be uploaded to the root of your S3 bucket. If you don't want this, specify the prefix to use:

s3-spa-upload dist-dir my-s3-bucket-name --prefix mobile

Note that when used in conjunction with --delete, this means only old files matching that same prefix will be deleted.

Programmatic Usage

import s3SpaUpload from 's3-spa-upload';
// const s3SpaUpload = require('s3-spa-upload')

s3SpaUpload('dir', 'bucket').catch(console.error);

// Can supply options:
const options = {
    delete: true,
    prefix: 'mobile',
    cacheControlMapping: {
        'index.html': 'no-cache',
        '*.js': 'public,max-age=31536000,immutable',
    awsCredentials: {
        accessKeyId: '...'
        secretAccessKey: '...'
        sessionToken: '...'
s3SpaUpload('dir', 'bucket', options).catch(console.error);

Default Cache-Control settings

File/ext Cache setting Description
index.html no-cache
css public,max-age=31536000,immutable As long as possible
js public,max-age=31536000,immutable As long as possible
png public,max-age=86400 One day
ico public,max-age=86400 One day
txt public,max-age=86400 One day

Content-Type settings

Based on file extensions using https://www.npmjs.com/package/mime-types

AWS Policy Template

This CloudFormation IAM Policy template grants the needed permissions:

- Version: "2012-10-17"
      - Effect: Allow # This effect is only needed when using the --delete option
          Action: s3:ListBucket
          Resource: arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name
      - Effect: Allow
            - s3:DeleteObject # This action is only needed when using the --delete option
            - s3:PutObject
          Resource: arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*