
## Anatomy of this workspace Package manager client: `yarn`

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import scNgCommons from '';


shiftcode ng commons

Anatomy of this workspace

Package manager client: yarn

Individual packages can depend on each other, the dependency is resolved using ts paths (see ./tsconfig.json) make sure to build the package you depend on. Or change the tsconfig.paths to reference the files under src directory.

Lerna is used to publish the packages and to run commands in multiple packages.

This workspace contains the following packages:

Add new library

  1. run ng generate library my-lib
  2. change libs/my-lib/package.json#name to @shiftcode/ng-my-lib
  3. alter libs/my-lib/ng-package.json#dest to ./dist
  4. add "assets": [ "" ], to libs/my-lib/ng-package.json
  5. alter tsconfig.json#compilerOptions.paths my-lib entry to @shifcode/ng-my-lib and edit paths according to #3
  6. update tsconfig files like other libs
  7. change from karma config to jest:
    1. remove libs/my-lib/src/test.ts
    2. remove libs/my-lib/karam-config.js
    3. in angular.json replace the libs test architect to "test": { "builder": "@angular-builders/jest:run" }