
Web scraping/crawling framework built on top of headless Chrome

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import scrapyteer from '';



Scrapyteer is a web scraping/crawling tool built on top of the headless Chrome browser.
It allows you to scrape both plain html pages and javascript generated content including SPAs (Single-Page Application) of any kind. Scrapyteer offers a small set of functions that forms an easy and concise DSL (Domain Specific Language) for web scraping and allows to define a crawling workflow and a shape of output data.



npm i -D scrapyteer
npm exec -- scrapyteer --config myconf.js.  # OR npx scrapyteer --config myconf.js

Locally as dependency

npm init
npm i -D scrapyteer

in package.json:

"scripts": {
  "scrape": "scrapyteer --config myconf.js"
npm run scrape


npm install -g scrapyteer
scrapyteer --config myconf.js

Make sure $NODE_PATH points to where global packages are located. If it is not, you may need to set it e.g. export NODE_PATH=/path/to/global/node_modules


Scrapyteer uses a configuration file (scrapyteer.config.js by default). Here are some examples:

const { pipe, open, $ } = require('scrapyteer');

module.exports = {
    save: 'result.json',
    root: '',
    parse: pipe(
      $('.quote > .text')
  • Get quotes from as array of objects with the properties: quote text, author name, first 20 symbols of author biography (follow a link to another page) and array of tags.
const { pipe, open, $, $, text } = require('scrapyteer');

module.exports = {
    save: 'result.jsonl',
    root: '',
    parse: pipe(
            quote: $('.text'),
            author: $('.author'),
            bio: pipe($('a'), open(), $('.author-description'), text, s => s.trimStart().substring(0, 20) + '…'),
            tags: $('.tags > .tag')
  • Get products from with name, price, attributes and image. Image files will be saved in product-images directory.
const { pipe, open, $, $, text, save } = require('scrapyteer');

module.exports = {
    save: 'result.jsonl',
    root: '',
    parse: pipe(
        $('h3 > a'),
            name: $('h1'),
            price: pipe( $('.price_color'), text, s => s.substring(1), parseFloat ),   // '£12.34' -> 12.34
            attributes: pipe( $('.table-striped tr'), [$('th'), $('td')] ),   // array of [name, value]
            image: pipe( $('#product_gallery .thumbnail img'), save({dir: 'product-images'}) )

A row in result.jsonl will be like:

  "name":"A Light in the Attic",
    ["Product Type","Books"],
    ["Price (excl. tax)","£51.77"],
    ["Price (incl. tax)","£51.77"],
    ["Availability","In stock (22 available)"],
    ["Number of reviews","0"]
const { pipe, open, $, $, text, flattenNext } = require('scrapyteer');

module.exports = {
    save: 'result.json',
    root: '',
    parse: pipe(
        flattenNext(1),  // or else results from every page will be in separate arrays
        [...Array(3).keys()].map(n => `/catalogue/page-${n+1}.html`),
        $('h3 > a'),
  • Search books on and get titles and ISBNs of books on the first page of results
const { pipe, open, select, enter, $, $, text } = require('scrapyteer');

module.exports = {
    root: '',
    parse: pipe(
        select('#searchDropdownBox', 'search-alias=stripbooks-intl-ship'),  // select 'Books' in dropdown
        enter('#twotabsearchtextbox', 'Web scraping'),   // enter search phrase
        $('.a-section h2'),
            name: text,
            ISBN: pipe(         // go to link and grab ISBN from there
                $('#printEditionIsbn_feature_div .a-row:first-child :last-child, #isbn_feature_div .a-row:first-child :last-child'), 

Configuration options


A file name or console object, by default output.json in the current directory


The root URL to scrape


The parsing workflow, a pipe function, an object or an array



Receives a set of functions and invoke them from left to right supplying the return value of the previous as input for the next. If an argument is not a function, it is converted to one (by indentity). For objects and arrays all of their items/properties are also parsed. If the return value is an array, the rest of the function chain will be invoked for all of its items.


Opens a given or root url

$(selector: string) / $(selector: string)

Receives a page and calls querySelector / querySelectorAll

attr(name: string)

Returns an element's property value


Returns a text content of an element

save({dir='files'}: {dir: string})

Saves a link to a file and returns the file name

type(inputSelector: string, text: string, delay = 0)

Types text into an input

select(selectSelector: string, ...values: string[])

Selects one or more values in a select

enter(inputSelector: string, text: string, delay = 0)

Types text into an input and presses enter