
A simple wrapper to get the list of .se domains expiring soon.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import seExpiry from '';


SE Expiry

A simple wrapper to get the list of .se domains expiring soon. Built with Promises in mind.

Data fetched from Internetstiftelsen.

Example usage

Simple usage example

const expiry = require('se-expiry');

  .then(domains => {
    // Do something
  .catch(error => {
    // Handle error

Manual usage example

const expiry = require('se-expiry');

  .then(data => {
      .then(domains => {
        // Do something
      .catch(error => {
        // Handle parse error
  .catch(error => {
    // Handle fetch error


Any functions/methods prefixed with an underscore are not intended to be called manually.

Class: Domain

class Domain {

  // Class constructor
  constructor(:name = String, :expires = Date)


Class: Domains (collection)

class Domains {

  // Class constructor
  constructor(:items = [Domain])

  // Sorting function (sorts by date)
  _byDate(:a = Domain, :b = Domain) // => Bool

  // Sorting function (sorts by name length)
  _byLength(:a = Domain, :b = Domain) // => Bool

  // Sort interface (called by order method)
  _sort(:by = Function) // => Promise

  // Order method (by accepts 'date' or 'length', fallback is 'date')
  order(:by = String) // => Promise

Function: fetch

// Fetch function (https fallback is true)
fetch(:https = Bool) // => Promise

Function: parse

// Parse function (https fallback is true)
fetch(:raw = String) // => Promise