
A window.fetch wrapper, with response refactoring, pre handling, post handling, etc.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import seeFetch from '';




A window.fetch wrapper, with response refactoring, pre handling, post handling, etc.




Only for json response.

quick start

npm install see-fetch --save
import seeFetch from 'see-fetch';

// configure application
seeFetch.config(name, {

// make a request
seeFetch(name, params).then(result => { ... });

config options

method: which http method to use

  • type: string
  • default: get

stringify: whether to stringify request params

  • type: bool
  • default: false

If true, the server will receive string, but not key-value pairs.

If GET method, request params will not stringify at any time.

settings: extra fetch options

  • type: map
  • default: {}

url: url to request

  • type: string
  • default: empty string

req/requestKeys: keys mapping of request params

  • type: map
  • default: {}
{sourceKey: 'newKey'}

refactor/responseRefactor: rules to refactor response using json-refactor

  • type: map
  • default: {}
refactor: rules

pre/preHandle: more handling to request params

  • type: function
(params, name) => {... modify params, or return a new params ...}

post/postHandle: more handling to response data

  • type: function
(result, params, name) => {... modify result, or return a new result }

implement: custom implementing instead of fetch

  • type: function
(cb, params) => { ... cb(result), or return a Promise }

Sometimes, you have to not use fetch, but other ways, like html templates.


seeFetch.config: configure application

// one
seeFetch.config(name, options);

// multiple
  name1: options1,
  name2: options2,

seeFetch.setEnv: set current environment(index to get config options)


If you need multiple environments supports, you can configure all config options by array, and then set a env.

If you don't set an environment, 0 will be the default.

seeFetch.config(name, {
  method: [method1, method2, ...],
  stringify: [stringify1, stringify2, ...],
  settings: [settings1, settings2, ...],
  url: [url1, url2, ...],
  req: [req1, req2, ...],
  refactor: [refactor1, refactor2, ...],
  pre: [pre1, pre2, ...],
  post: [post1, post2, ...],
  implement: [implement1, implement2, ...],

seeFetch.setEnv(0); // method1, stringify1, url1, ...
seeFetch.setEnv(1); // method2, stringify2, url2, ...

seeFetch.getEnv: get current environment

const env = seeFetch.getEnv(); // 0/1/2/3

seeFetch: make a request

seeFetch(name, params).then(result => { ... });
  • name: defined request name
    • note: common is a special request name, and it will apply to all requests
  • params: request params
    • type: map
    • example: {a: 1, b: '2'}
  • result: handled response data. But if response's status code is 3XX, 4XX, 5XX, result will be like: {error: true, response: Response}
    • error: mark response having an error, and you can customize it by seeFetch.set({errorField: 'yourErrorField'})
    • response: original Response Object

seeFetch.set: set custom config

  errorField: 'error',
  debug: !0,
  disableCache: !0,
  disableCacheField: '_',
  • errorField: type: string default: error configure your own error field
  • debug: type: bool default: true whether in debug mode
  • disableCache: type: bool default: true disable request cache for GET, HEAD methods
  • disableCacheField: type: string default: _ field name for appending timestamp to original url when disableCache is true

handlers sequences while processing

  1. method: check which http method to use, default is GET
  2. stringify: check whether to stringify request params
  3. settings: check extra fetch settings
  4. url: get request url
  5. req: get real request params
  6. pre: more handling before send a request
    1. common: common handling, if have
    2. name: named handling
  7. implement: if have, see-fetch will not send a fetch
  8. refactor: refactoring response data
    1. common: common handling, if have
    2. name: named handling
  9. post: more handling after refactoring response data
    1. common: common handling, if have
    2. name: named handling