
Base Server for Node.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import serverCommons from '';


Server Commons

This project is used to create a new NodeJS Express server with use of ECMA6 Decorators, Configuration and Sequelize.

Environment Variables

  • DB_NAME: The database name
  • DB_USERNAME: The database user
  • DB_PASSWORD: The database password
  • DB_HOST: The database address
  • DB_PORT: The database port
  • VERBOSE: true if you want to log SQL Statements
  • DB_DIALECT: Can be mysql, postgres, mariadb
  • DB_SOCKET_PATH: If you want to use socket path
  • SYNC: True to auto generate the database
  • DB_MAX_CONCURRENT_QUERIES: Max concurrent queries
  • DB_POOL_MAX_CONNECTIONS: Max connections to keep on pool
  • DB_POOL_MIN_CONNECTIONS: Min connections to keep on pool
  • DB_POOL_MAX_IDLE_TIME: Max connections idle

How to use it

To use this project you need to pull the following project with the kickstart of a server


In Domain Driven Development, we can also call it Repository. How to use it.


These are the Resources, the REST API. For example this:

import { RestController, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE } from 'base-server/router';
import { NotFoundError } from 'base-server/errors';
import AddressService from '../services/AddressService';
import AddressModel from '../models/AddressModel';

export default class AddressRouter {

  async findAddress({ params }) {
    const address = await AddressModel.find(params.uuid);
    if (!address) throw new NotFoundError('Address not Found');
    return address;

  async createAddress({ body }) {
    const address = await AddressService.create(body);
    return AddressModel.find(address.uuid);

  async updateAddress({ params, body }) {
    await AddressService.update(params.uuid, body);

  async deleteAddress({ params }) {
    await AddressService.deleteAddress(params.uuid);



They are the Entities, the objects that are persisted on the database

import { DataTypes } from 'sequelize';
import State from './State';

const { BIGINT, STRING } = DataTypes;

const City = sequelize.define('City', {
  id: { type: BIGINT, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true },
  name: { type: STRING(256), allowNull: false },
}, {
  timestamps: false,
  tableName: 'city'

City.belongsTo(State, {
  as: 'State',
  foreignKey: 'state_id'

export default City;


They have to keep the business logic


import Server from 'base-server/server';
import { join } from 'path';

const server = new Server({
  migration: {
    name: 'pipeu-event-schedule',
    dir: join(__dirname, '..', 'db'),

// add requires to all your routers (compatible with Babel+Webpack)

export default server;