
Simple Friendly Node.js Logger.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sfnLogger from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/sfn-logger';



Simple and friendly NodeJS file logger.

This documentation is for sfn-logger 0.4.x, old versions are deprecated.


npm install sfn-logger --save


const Logger = require("sfn-logger");

var logger = new Logger("example.log");

logger.log("Hello, World!");

Create Logger

  • new Logger(filename: string) Creates a logger instance with a filename.
  • new Logger(options: Logger.Options) Creates a logger instance with options.
  • Logger.Options
    • ttl?: number How much time should the output buffer keep contents before flushing, default value is 1000 ms.
    • size?: number How much size should the output buffer keep contents before flushing. This option conflicts with ttl, set only one of them. For data integrity, the real size of flushing data may be smaller than the setting value.
    • filename: string Writes the contents to the target file.
    • fileSize?: number The size of the log file, when up to limit, logs will be compressed or sent via e-mail, default value is 2097152 bytes (2 Mb). For data integrity, the real size of the file may be smaller than the setting value.
    • dateFormat?: string The format of prefix date-time value, default value is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss, used by moment.
    • trace?: boolean The log message should contain the filename and position of where triggers the logging operation, false by default.
    • toConsole?: boolean The log should also be output to the console, false by default.
    • outputLevel?: number Sets the minimum level of logs that should be output to the file, default value is Logger.Levels.DEBUG.
    • mail An object configures a new Mail instance (from sfn-mail) or a existing Mail instance.
  • Logger.Levels An enum object contains number from 1 - 4
    • DEBUG
    • INFO
    • WARN
    • ERROR
// Simplest way to create a logger:
var logger = new Logger("example.log");

// Or specify more details:
var logger = new Logger({
    size: 1024 * 4,
    filename: "example.log",
    fileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 2,

// Send log file contents as an email when the file size up to limit:
var logger = new Logger({
    size: 1024 * 4,
    filename: "example.log",
    fileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 2,
    mail: { // must set all neccesary properties.
        subject: "Logs of My Website"
        host: "smtp.mail.qq.com",
        port: 25,
        from: "xxxxxxxx@qq.com",
        to: "xxxxxxxx@qq.com",
        auth: {
            username: "xxxxxxxx@qq.com",
            password: "xxxxxxxx",

If you don't set the mail option, when file's size up to limit, its contents will be compressed to a GZip file and stored in a directory named according to date.

Familiar Methods

  • logger.log() Logs a message on DEBUG level (alias logger.debug()).
  • logger.info() Logs a message on INFO level.
  • logger.warn() Logs a message on WARN level.
  • logger.error() Logs a message on ERROR level.

These methods' usage are exactly the same as console's, if you're not familiar with them, please check https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v8.x/docs/api/console.html.

Multi-Processing Scenario

Powered by open-channel, this package is safe in multi-processing scenario, and automatically prevent concurrency conflicts.

Close Logger

You can called the method logger.close() to close the logger, however, due to using open-channel, which serves an internal IPC server that cannot be closed, the program will not be able to exit automatically as usual, you have to explicitly calling process.exit() in case to terminate the program.

// close the logger and terminate the program.
logger.close(() => {