
Any promise fulfills -> resolve(value); All promises rejected -> reject(errArray).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shiajs from '';


async delay(ms)


Any promise fulfills -> resolve(value); All promises rejected -> reject(errArray).

digest(algorithm, data, hmackey)


sha256(str, hmackey)

sha512(str, hmackey)

timeiso(date, tz=null, len=-5)

ISO 8601 format datetime. date can be a Date object or timestamp (milliseconds), otherwise as now; tz is the timezone, or use local timesozne if it is not a number; len can be a number or date directive.


console.log starts with time.

async fileByLines(file, cbLine)

Call cbLine() every lines of the file, return promise.

async fileLinesMap(file, cbLine)

Create an array by running every lines of the file thru cbLine().


Traverse a folder recursively.

for (const f of traverseDir('FOLDER')) console.log(f);

excelCsv(file, list, headers)

file is the csv path to write; list is a list of list, or a list of object; headers is table headers, can ignore.

urlJoin(host, path='/')

async asyncPool(list, worker, size=10, showError=false)

Async call worker(list[idx], idx, list, label) every item of list parallelly. size is the thread pool size; showError can be true, false, or an async function showError(err, list[idx], idx, list, label).

Push Notification

This return an instance of the QPush, IFTTT or Telegram class based on the env variable PUSH_TOKEN.

const push = require('shiajs/push');
push.log('push some log');

Put PUSH_TOKEN on the /etc/environment for global use:

# PUSH_TOKEN="ifttt:token_key:event"
# PUSH_TOKEN="tg:bot_id:bot_token:chat_id"

QPush & QGroup class

Send push notification to QPush app for iOS.

const {QPush, QGroup} = require('shiajs/qpush');

const push = new QPush('name', 'code');
push.log('push some log'); // is the same
push.error(new Error('push an error'));

const group = new QGroup(['name1', 'code1'], ['name2', 'code2']);'info to group').error('push error to group');

IFTTT class

Send push notification to IFTTT app.

const {IFTTT} = require('shiajs/ifttt');
const push = new IFTTT('token');
const push2 = new IFTTT('token2', 'default_event_name');
push.log('push some log'); // is the same
push.error(new Error('push an error'));
    value1: 'text1',
    value2: 'text2',
}, 'event_name');

Telegram class

Send push notification to Telegram app.

const {Telegram} = require('shiajs/telegram');
const tg = new Telegram('123456789', 'token', 'chat_id_1');
tg.setChatIds('chat_id_1', 'chat_id_2', 'chat_id_3'); // push to multi
tg.agent = new ProxyAgent('socks5h://'); // use socks proxy
tg.log('push some log'); // is the same
tg.error(new Error('push an error'));
tg.showMessages(); // received messages in bot

Stopwatch class

const Stopwatch = require('shiajs/stopwatch');
const sw = new Stopwatch();
// ...
// ...
const elapse1 = sw.tap();
console.log(elapse1, sw.get('label'), sw.toString(3));

Persist Ojbect

Auto save object to a file while changed.

const Persist = require('shiajs/persist');
const config = Persist('/data/mypath/myconfig.json', /*default value*/); = 'bar'; // will auto save to the file

Promise Chain

const PromiseChain = require('./promisechain')
const chain = new PromiseChain();
chain.add(fetchPage, 1);
chain.wait(5000).add(fetchPage.bind(null), 2)
chain.add(() => fetchPage(3)).wait(3000).add(() => {
    return fetchPage(4);
ws.on('message', data => {
    chain.add(doSomething, data).wait(1000);