
browserify transform to replace require calls to custom browser globals

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shimixify from '';


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browserify transform to replace require calls to custom browser globals


This transform will turn this:

var win = require('window');
var doc = require('document');

Into this:

var win = (global.window);
var doc = (global.document);

So your code works well once it runs in the browser.


npm i --save-dev shimixify


// this is the hash of shims that will be matched against the
// calls to require. For example calling
// require('jQuery') ==> will be replaced by ==> (global.jQuery);
// browserify injects a global variable that is a reference to the window object
// technically you can also use jQuery directly without using the `global` notation
var shims = {
  window: 'global.window',
  jQuery: 'global.jQuery',
  chrome: '',
  screen: 'global.screen',
  document: 'global.document',
  Worker: 'global.Worker',
  Promise: 'global.Promise',
  self: 'global.self',
  react: 'global.React'

var shimify = require( 'shimify' ).configure( { shims: shims } );

var b = browserify();
b.transform( shimify );


NOTE: accessing window, document or other globals from a module will work, but it makes explicit that you're accessing a global. Using this transform will make it easier to have code that is easily testable using tools like proxiquerify, to replace those dependencies during unit testing.

var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
var mockWindow = require('mockWindow');

// this will replace calls to require('window') with a mocked instance
// in order to make the unit tests for this module
// no more globals and your code is not easier to test!
var myModule = proxyquire('./my-module', { window: mockWindow });
