
Wrapper package for better-sqlite3, super easy to use.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sigidb from '';



NPM Package

What is sigidb ?

sigidb is a wrapper package for better-sqlite3, super easy to use, includes better-sqlite3 database instance.


  1. Very fast, 70% faster than quick.db
  2. Support objects (Example)

sigidb troubleshooting installation

If you have trouble installing sigidb because of better-sqlite3, follow this checklist (officially created by better-sqlite3 owner.):

  1. Make sure you're using nodejs v10.20.1 or later

  2. Make sure you have node-gyp globally installed (npm i node-gyp -g), including all of its dependencies. On Windows you may need to configure some things manually.

  3. If you're using Electron, try running electron-rebuild

  4. If you're using Windows, follow these steps. Do them in this order, and don't skip steps.

    1. Install the latest version of node 10, 12, or 14.
    2. Install latest version of Visual Studio Community and Desktop Development with C++ extension (if you already have VS Community then modify it, and add the Development with C++ extension).
    3. Install latest version of Python.
    4. Run the following commands:
    npm config set msvs_version 2019
    npm config set msbuild_path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
    1. Run npm install sigidb

If none of these solved your problem, try browsing previous issues or open a new issue.


db(name, [options])

Name, options parameters are for better-sqlite3 database.
You can see those parameters here

Extra parameters:

  • Sets the id of every function to the provided value.
  • options.value: Sets the id of every function to the provided value.
  • options.table: Sets the default table.

Require database.

const DB = require("sigidb");
const db = DB("db.sqlite");
global.db = db;

Using custom id/value

const db = DB("db.sqlite", {id: "key", value: "data"});
db.set("test", "hey");
db.all() // [{key: "test", data: "hey"}]


Returns better-sqlite3 database's object.
See also better-sqlite3#Database

Database {
  inTransaction: false,
  open: true,
  memory: false,
  readonly: false,
  name: 'db.sqlite'

db#Database(name, [options])

Returns a new sigidb database object using better-sqlite3#Database

const db = require("sigidb");
const db2 = db.Database("second-db.sqlite"); //create new sigidb database object on second-db.sqlite, if the file does not exists, better-sqlite3 will create it for you.
db2.set("test", 3); //set a new key in second-db.sqlite
console.log(db2.get("test")); //3


Returns all tables in current database.

const db = require("sigidb") //table is main because its the default table.
const users = db.table("users"); // sigidb database object with users as its default table (creates the table if not exists).
console.log(db.tables()); // ["main", "users"]


  • name: The name of the table to use, creates it if not exists.

Returns sigidb database object with name table as the default table.

const db = require("sigidb") //table is main because its the default table.
const users = db.table("users"); // sigidb database object with users as its default table (creates the table if not exists).
console.log(db.tables()); // ["main", "users"]
db.set("test1", 1);
users.set("test1", 2);

console.log(db.all()) // [{id: "test1", value: 1}]
console.log(db.all({table: "users"})) // [{id: "test1", value: 2}]
console.log(users.all()) // [{id: "test1", value: 2}] (no need to provide a table because its the default table for 'users' object)


  • name: The name of the table to delete, throws an error if the table does not exists.

Deletes provided table.

console.log(db.all({table: "users"})) // [{id: "test1", value: 2}]
console.log(db.all({table: "users"})) // SqliteError: no such table: users

db#set(key, value, [options])

  • key: The target's key which the value will be assigned to.
  • value: The value which will be assigned to the key.
  • options.table: The table to get the target from. default is 'main'.

Store a value for a key in the database.
Returns value

const db = require("sigidb");
db.set("test", 5) // set a new key named 'test' with the value 5.
console.log(db.get("test")) // 5

db.set("test", 4, {table: "test-table"}) //creates new table 'test-table' if not exists, and sets new key 'test' with value 4. 
console.log(db.get("test", {table: "test-table"})) // 4

db#get(key, [options])

  • key: The target's key to get the value from.
  • options.table: The table to get the target from. default is 'main'.

Alias: fetch
Returns: ?value

console.log(db.get("test")) //5
console.log(db.get("unknown-key")) // undefined

db#has(key, [options])

  • key: The target's key to get the value from.
  • options.table: The table to get the target from. default is 'main'.

Returns: Boolean

db.set("test", 3);
db.has("test") //true
db.has("unknown-key") // false

Also works with object.

db.set("test1.test2.test3", 3);
db.has("test1") //true
db.has("test1.test2") //true
db.has("test1.test4") //false

db#type(key, [options])

  • key: The target's key which its type will be returned.
  • options.table: The table to get the target from. default is 'main'.
db.set("test", 5)
db.type("test") // 'Number'

db.set("test", "hey")
db.type("test") // 'String'

db.set("test", {})
db.type("test") // 'Object'

db.set("test", [])
db.type("test") // 'Array'

How it works? it checks for the constructor name, e.g:

"" // 'String'

db#delete(key, [options])

  • key: The target's key which will be deleted from the database.
  • options.table: The table to delete the value from. default is 'main'.

Returns: Boolean whether it got deleted or not (if target not exists will return false).

db.set("test", 5)
db.delete("test") //true
db.delete("unknown-key") // false


  • options.table: The table to delete all the values from. default is 'main'.

Returns: Number The number of entries which got deleted.

db.set("test", 5)
db.set("test2", 3)
db.all() // [{id: "test", value: 5}, {id: "test2", value: 3}]
db.deleteAll() // 2
db.all() //[]

db#push(key, value, [options])

  • key: The target's key which the value will be pushed to.
  • value: The value which will be pushed to the target.
  • options.table: The table to get the target from. default is 'main'.

Pushes a value to an array in the database.
Returns main object || value

const db = require("sigidb");
db.set("test", 5) // sets the value to a Number (pushes requires it to be an array).
db.push("test", "random value") // Error, target is not an array.
db.push("not-exists", "pistol") // returns ['pistol'], creates a new array in the key 'not-exists' because its not exists.
db.set("users", [1]); // set the 'users' key to have an array with index 0 as "1".
db.push("users", 2); // [1,2], pushes the value to the users array.

db#add(key, value, [options])

  • key: The target's key which the value will be added to.
  • value: The value which will be added to the target.
  • options.table: The table to get the target from. default is 'main'.

Similar to db.push, but instead of pushing to the array target, its adding the values.

db.add("not-exists", 3) //3 because the key is not exists so its sets it to the provided number.
db.set("test", 5)
db.add("test", 3) //8

db#subtract(key, value, [options])

  • key: The target's key which the value will be subtracted from.
  • value: The value which will be subtracted from the target.
  • options.table: The table to get the target from, default is 'main'.

Same as db.add, but instead of adding the values its subtracts target with value

db.subtract("not-exists", 3) //-3 because the key is not exists so its sets it to the provided number with '-'.
db.set("test", 5)
db.subtract("test", 3) //2

db#all([filter], [options])

  • filter: function to use as the filter of the result, default is null.
  • options.table: The table to get the values from, default is 'main'.

Returns all values in the provided table.

db.set("key1", 1)
db.set("key2", 2)
db.set("key3", 3)

db.all() // [{id: "key1", value: 1}, {id: "key2", value: 2}, {id: "key3", value: 3}];

db.all(data => data.value > 1) //[{id: "key2", value: 2}, {id: "key3", value: 3}];

Working with objects

sigidb works with objects.

What it means?

That you can set and get objects with string suport.


const db = require("sigidb");
db.set("users.123.guns", ["pistol"]);
db.get("users") // {"123": {guns: ["pistol"]}}
db.get("users.123") // {guns: ["pistol"]}
db.get("users.123.guns.0") // "pistol", db.get works with array indexes too, because 'users.123.guns' returns ["pistol"] (type array), so ".0" will return the value of the "0" index.

Note: it works on everything that requires the key parameter, like set, get, push, etc.