
easy and light weight pedersen commitment implementation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simpleJsPedersenCommitment from '';



this project is intended to make easier usage of commitment technologies for cryto/blockchain type projects. it is intended to be very lightweight and thus will not have many dependencies.

to create a new secret to later reveal:

secret = pederson.newSecret()

to create a sharable commitment:

commitment = pederson.commit(message, secret)

to verify if a commitment is valid:

pederson.verify(message, [commitment, ...], secret)


bitcoin address: 1KKiniL7QnMPZZLjgGB2Kq1d7zsjUr6TnS

ethereum address: 0x177b258bD53A8F7d8C609A9277A60A51d1e7e0e0