
A framework to easily build projects in Vue

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simpliWebSdk from '';



This project is deprecated. It was reorganized in many small packages


Simpli Web SDK

A framework to easily build projects in Vue
Check it out our boilerplate generator Simpli CLI which includes the simpli-web-sdk ready-to-use.


This library contains tools for easy development of Web Application Vue projects. Some classes and helpers from it will remain your code clean, organized and easy to understand.

Once you have implemented this library into your Vue project, you are able to use these features:

| General | Webserver | View | Utils | |--|--|--|--| | Locale system native of vue-i18n | HTTP requests native of axios | Automatic inputs and lists from a schema | Useful helpers such as sleep, clone and uid | | Routing system native of vue-router | Serialized (typed) response of HTTP requests | Input validation native of ajv | Userful enums such as Lang and Currency| | Notification popoup native of vue-snotify | Resources handler | Preset and customizable masks of input such as date and currency mask | Exclusivelly awesome Vue components such as Await (loader) or Modal (poupop window) | | Classes transformation native of class-transformer | List handler | | | | Non-vue-file access of some Vue variables such as filters and routes | Pagination handler | | | | | Web socket handler | | |


Install the simpli-web-sdk package from npm:

npm install simpli-web-sdk  

Importing CSS in JS

import 'simpli-web-sdk/umd/simpli-web-sdk.min.css'


Importing CSS in SCSS

@import "~simpli-web-sdk/scss/main";
@import "~simpli-web-sdk/scss/effect"; // for transition effects (optional)

You may also get this package installed and ready-to-use by running our boilerplate generator Simpli CLI.

Basic knowledge

Documentation API