
A koa-based Node.js web application bootstrapping module, based on kraken-js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sirenJs from '';



Siren.js builds upon koa and Kraken.js and enables environment-aware, dynamic configuration, advanced middleware capabilities, security, app lifecycle events and integrates

Basic Usage

'use strict';

var siren = require('siren-js');

var app = siren();


Unlike Kraken.js,

  • it's NOT recommanded to mount the siren instance. Because it won't emit the life cycle events on the parent app and the middleware won't configure against the parent.

  • you should ONLY call app.callback or app.listen when the app is READY (start event is fired) (PS: Of course we can hack on the app.callback method to respond "server is starting" before ready, but I don't think it is fit for koa).



siren-js will return a koa application instance.


Pass the following options to siren via a config object such as this:

var options = {
    onconfig: function *(config) {
        // do stuff

// ...


basedir (String, optional)

The working directory for siren-js to use. siren-js loads configuration files, routes, and registers middleware so this directory is the path against all relative paths are resolved. The default value is the directory of the file that uses siren-js, which is generally index.js (or server.js).

onconfig (Generator Function, optional)

Provides an asynchronous hook for loading additional configuration. When invoked, a confit configuration object containing all loaded configuration value passed. The signature of this handler is function *(config) or a function that returns a yieldable target.

protocols (Object, optional)

Please refer to protocols object.

uncaughtException (Function, optional)

Handler for uncaughtException errors. See the endgame module for defaults.

Config Protocols

Please refer to config protocols.




Please refer to environment-aware.


Much like configuration, you shouldn't need to write a lot of code to determine what's in your middleware chain. siren-meddleware is used internally to read, resolve, and register middleware with your express application. You can either specify the middleware in your config.json or {environment}.json, (or) import it from a separate json file using the import protocol mentioned above.

Included Middleware

Siren.js comes with common middleware already included in its config.json file. The following is a list of the included middleware and their default configurations which can be overriden in your app's configuration:

  • responseTime - adds response time to header.

    • Priority - 0
    • Module - "koa-response-time" (npm)
  • "logger" - internal middleware which logs websocket connections and http requests

    • Priority - 10
    • Enabled - false but true in a development environment
    • Module - "siren-js/middleware/logger"
      • Arguments (Array)
        • String - the app instance placeholder
  • "shutdown" - internal middleware which handles graceful shutdowns in production environments

    • Priority - 20
    • Enabled - true if not in a development environment
    • Module - "siren-js/middleware/shutdown"
      • Arguments (Array)
        • String - the app instance placeholder
        • Object
          • "timeout" - milliseconds (default: 30000)
          • "template" - template to render (default: null, related to app.views)
  • "compress" - adds compression to server responses

    • Priority - 30
    • Enabled - false (disabled in all environments by default)
    • Module - "koa-compress" (npm)
  • "favicon" - serves the site's favicon

    • Priority - 40
    • Module - "serve-favicon" (npm)
      • Arguments (Array)
        • String - local path to the favicon file (default: "path:./public/favicon.ico")
  • "error" - internal middleware which handles graceful error response

    • Priority - 50
    • Module - "siren-js/middleware/error"
      • Arguments (Array)
        • String - template to render (default: null, realted to app.views)
  • "404" - internal middleware which handles graceful 404 response

    • Priority - 60
    • Module - "siren-js/middleware/404"
      • Arguments (Array)
        • String - template to render (default: null, related to app.views)
  • "static" - serves static files from a specific folder

    • Priority - 70
    • Module - "koa-file-server" (npm)
      • Arguments (Array)
        • String - local path to serve static files from (default: "path:./public")
  • "body" - parses request body

    • Priority - 80
    • Module - "koa-bodyparser" (npm)
      • Arguments (Array)
        • Object
          • "extendTypes" (Object) - extended types
  • "session" - internal middleware which maintains cookie session state based on koa-generic-session

    • Priority - 90
    • Module - "siren-js/middleware/session"
      • Arguments (Array)
        • String - the app instance placeholder
        • Object
          • "key" (String) - cookie name (default: "koa.sid")
          • "prefix" (String) - session prefix for store (default: "koa:sess:")
          • "cookie" (Object) - cookie options
  • "appsec" - secures the application against common vulnerabilities

    • Priority - 100
    • Module - "lusca" (github)
      • Arguments (Array)
        • Object
          • "csrf" (Boolean|Object) - value indicating whether to require CSRF tokens for non GET, HEAD, or OPTIONS requests, or an options object to configure CSRF protection (default: true)
          • "xframe" (String) - value for the X-Frame-Options header (default: "SAMEORIGIN")
          • "p3p" (String|Boolean) - the Compact Privacy Policy value or false if not used (default: false)
          • "csp" (Object|Boolean) - options configuring Content Security Policy headers or false if not used (default: false)
  • "router" - routes traffic to the applicable controller

    • Priority - 110
    • Module - "siren-enrouten" (npm)
      • Arguments (Array)
        • String - the app instance placeholder
        • Object
          • "index" (String) - path to the single file to load (default: "path:./routes")

The integration for is based on, but in default the io is disable. You can enable it through the config file, for example:

  "app": {
    // ...

  "io": {
    "enabled": true,
    // other options.

Once you enable, you can access it through, for more information, please refer to

Aditional Notes:

  • Unlike, there is no app.session, but instead, we wrap it into the middleware siren-js/middleware/session.js, which is used as middleware in default
  • The dependency for is marked as dev-dependency, so if you enable the, you should install package

Lifecycle Events

Siren.js adds support for additional events to your koa app instance:

  • start - the application has safely started and is ready to accept requests
  • shutdown - the application is shutting down, no longer accepting requests
  • stop - the http server is no longer connected or the shutdown timeout has expired

Configuration-based app Settings

You can configure the koa instance through the app field and these field can be access through app.settings. For example:

    "view engines": {
      // engine map
    "app": {
        "env": "", // NOTE: `env` is managed by the framework. This value will be overwritten.
        "proxy": false,
        "port": 8000,
        "view engine": null,
        "view enabled": true,
        "views": "path:./views",
        "keys": ["siren-secret-key"]

Additional Note:

  • The app:env, app:keys and app:proxy will auto set into the koa instance.
  • The app:view engine, view engines and app:views will decorate as
      "default": "path:./views", // the value of `app:views`
      "map": { // the value of `view engines`
    and pass into siren-views as arguments when app:view enabled is not false.


$ npm test


$ npm run-script test-cov