
check URL and capture screenshot

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import siteChecker from '';


Site Checker

GitHub version npm version

This is a tool for checking web site status and capturing screenshot.

Japanese Guide is here.


npm install -g site-checker

You can use docker image of site-checker.

docker run --rm -v <output dir of host>:/output:rw -u


  -u, --url         set the url which is checked and captured
  -l, --list        set the filepath of URL list.                       [string]
  -o, --output      set output dir name                                 [string]
      --html        output HTML file                                   [boolean]
  -d, --device      emulate device name                                 [string]
  -f, --fullpage    capture whole page                                 [boolean]
      --nocache     disable browser cache                              [boolean]
      --timeline    access url with tracing timeline.                  [boolean]
  -s, --screenshot  take a screenshot at access successfully.
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
      --auth        basic auth credencial. <username>:<password>        [string]
      --version     Show version number                                [boolean]
  -h, --help        Show help                                          [boolean]


Check a single URL

You can check a single url by using -u option.

$ site-checker -u
Target URL:
[ { id: '00000',
    url: '',
    status: 200,
    filepath: './capture_00000.png',
    filename: 'capture_00000.png' } ]

and output a screenshot image as capture_00000.png

URL list

By using -l option, you can check multiple URL at once. -l option accept two file format, .txt and .csv

.txt is one URL per line format. .csv format must have id column and url column (see sample).

$ site-checker -l url-list.csv

This command creates dir named url-list, and output screenshot images and result.json file in this dir.

With --html option, the result is also output as an HTML file (index.html).

Record site timeline

By using --timeline option, You can record web site performance.

When you run site-checker with --timeline option, site-checker outputs timelime_XXXXX.json file which is compatible to Performance (a.k.a Timeline) of Chrome Dev Tool.

$ site-checker -l url-list.csv --timeline -d 'iPhone X'

You can watch the result by using Chrome Dev Tool or DevTools Timeline Viewer


Site-checker supports basic authentication.
You can set username and password by using --auth option.

$ site-checker -u --auth username:password
Target URL:
[ { id: '00000',
    url: '',
    status: 200,
    filepath: './capture_00000.png',
    filename: 'capture_00000.png' } ]

--auth option takes colon separated username and password. if you use --auth option with -l option, site-checker uses same credentials to every url of list.



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