
Generate a static HTML site from a collection of markdown files.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sitedown from '';



Turn some markdown files into a website.

npm travis standard downloads


Point sitedown at a folder with one or more markdown files and receive one free website!

  • converts your into a index.html
  • creates directory indexes ( becomes changelog/index.html)
  • accepts a layout file (comes with a default one too)
  • has an experimental watch mode for working on a project locally
  • built for making gh-pages sites
  • supports subdirectories too

Sitedown's website was built with sitedown, so you know it's for real.


npm install sitedown



$ sitedown --help
Usage: sitedown [source] [options]

    Example: sitedown source/ -b build/ -l layout.html

    source                path to source directory (default: current working directory)
    --build, -b           path to build directory (default: "build")
    --pretty              use directory indexes for pretty URLs (default: true)
    --el, -e              css selector for target element (default: ".markdown-body")
    --layout, -l          path to layout file
    --github-headings, -g add anchors to headings just like GitHub (default: false)
    --no-hljs-class, -c   don't add the hljs class to codeblocks (default: false)
    --silent, -s          make less noise during build
    --watch, -w           watch a directory or file (experimental)
    --version, -v         show version information
    --help, -h            show help

Protip: You can install a node command line utility globally (npm install --global sitedown), but it's usually better to install it locally (npm install --save-dev sitedown) and access it via package.json scripts (e.g. "build-site": "sitedown ."). This way you don't pollute the global environment with random scripts and your utility is saved and versioned side by side with your project. :sparkles:

Node API

var sitedown = require('sitedown')

var options = {
  source: '.',            // path to source directory                 default: cwd
  build: 'build',         // path to build directory                  default: 'build' in cwd
  pretty: true,           // use directory indexes for pretty URLs    default: true
  el: '.markdown-body',   // css selector for target element          default: '.markdown-body'
  layout: 'layout.html',  // path to layout                           default: none
  githubHeadings: false,  // add anchors to headings just like GitHub default: false
  noHljsClass: false,     // don't add hljs class to codeblocks       default: false
  silent: false           // make less noise during build             default: false

sitedown(options, function (err) {
  if (err) return console.error(err)


All files are wrapped in a layout.html file. Markdown content is appended to the first .markdown-body element, and the page title (<title> in <head>) is set to the text of the first h1 element.

The default layout is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <main class="markdown-body"></main>

The default layout comes bundled with style.css, a classless stylesheet for markdown documents.

Directory indexes (pretty URLs)

Markdown files ($, $f.markdown) are lowercased and parsed into $f/index.html files. Directory indexes can be disabled with the pretty: false option. files are always converted to directory indexes (index.html).


Relative links that point to markdown files ($, $f.markdown) are rewritten as $f/ to point to their $f/index.html equivalent.


Given a directory like this:

- .gitignore
- .travis.yml
- bin.js
- index.js
- package.json
+ test/
  - index.js
  + markdown/

Sitedown's default options will produce a directory like this:

- index.html
+ changelog/
  - index.html
+ contributing/
  - index.html
+ license/
  - index.html
+ test/
  + markdown/
    - index.html


Contributions welcome! Please read the contributing guidelines first.
