
Sketchfab API client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sketchfab from '';


Sketchfab API Client

Upload 3D models to Sketchfab, the place to publish, share and discover 3D content online, in VR and AR.


$ npm install sketchfab --save


Run the example:

  • Edit example/upload.js to add your API token.
  • Run: node example/upload.js


Returns a new client for the given authentication object. The API supports two authentication methods.

Authentication with oAuth2:

    type: 'oauth2',
    token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Authentication with an API Token:

    type: 'token',
    token: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN'

client.upload( params, callback )

Upload a 3D file. Params is an object containing parameters for upload.

You can pass the following parameters:

  • file (string): Required. Path of the local file to upload.
  • name (string): Optional. Name of the model.
  • description (string): Optional. Description.
  • tags (array): Optional. Array containing slugs of tags.
  • categories (array): Optional. Array containing slugs of categories.
  • license (string): Optional. Set model as downloadable with given license slug.
  • isPublished (boolean): Optional. False to upload as draft (default). True to publish immediately.
  • private (boolean): Optional. False to make public (default). True to make private. For PRO accounts only.
  • password (string): Optional. Password to make the model password protected. For PRO accounts only.
  • options (object): Optional. Scene options (shading, background, orientation).

Callback will be passed (err,result). The result will be a Task object that emits events:

  • progress: will report the upload progress (from 0 to 100).
  • success: when the file is uploaded and processed. Event is passed the URL of the online model.
  • error: when there is an error. Event is passed an error message.

Get profile information for current account. Callback will be passed (err, data).