
Small wrapper around sketchtool and sketchmigrate from BohemianCoding

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sketchjs from '';



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Current sketchtool version: 3.6.1

Small wrapper around sketchtool and sketchmigrate from BohemianCoding


Since we don't want to ship sketchjs with the binaries of sketchtool and sketchmigrate anymore you need to install the binaries before.

The following bash command is the way to go.


After installing the necessary binaries from your Sketch application, you can simply run the installation command using npm.

npm install --save sketchjs


sketchjs is currently supporting only 3 of the feature sketchtool is offering the users. The supported are the following ones:

  • Exporting of Layers, Artboards and Slices
  • Listing (JSON) of Layers, Artboards and Slices
  • Migration of old .sketch file into a newer


To use sketchjs in your project you need to require it.

var sketch = require('sketchjs');

or if you are using ES2015 it's simple as using this line of code:

import sketch from 'sketchjs'; // getting the whole project
import { list } from 'sketchjs'; // getting only the list method


List all layers, artboards or slices as json (return value).

sketch.list('path/to.sketch', 'layers', function (json) {
  // Do something with the json object


Export layers, artboards or slices into a specific folder.

  { type: 'artboards', },
  function (err, stdout, stderr) {
    // Create your own callback here


Migrate an old sketch file into a new one

sketch.migrate('path/to/old.sketch', 'path/to/new.sketch', function() {
  // Your custom callback


If you want to contribute, please feel free to fork the project and create a pull request afterwards.


The project is licensed under the MIT license