
A webpack configurator based on terse-webpack

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skypagerWebpack from '';


Webpack Configuration API

This builds upon the original work of @ericclemmons (author of the great Javascript Fatigue article of 2015) and his excellent @terse/webpack library. Credit where credit is due. This library is intended to reflect a different set of opinions about webpack configuration but to build upon his great API and codebase.


  • .api([customFeatures[, customReducers]])

    Begins fluent interface, optionally accepted an array of custom features and custom reducers.

  • .alias(name[, pathOrName])

    Maps a package name (e.g. react) to another library (e.g. react-lite) or to a path (e.g. ./node_modules/react).

  • .context(path)

    Config files are relative to this folder. (Default: process.cwd())

  • .env(environment)

    Overrides NODE_ENV (defaults to development) the build is for.

  • .externals(...[Function, RegExp, String])

    Prevents Webpack from bundling matching resources.

  • .loader(name[, extensions = ".js"[, options]])

    Add a loader for the given extension(s) with the given settings.

  • .modules(path)

    Lookup non-relative (e.g. my-cool-lib) modules in this folder as well as node_modules.

  • .node(options)

    Override built-in Node constants & libs (e.g. __dirname, __filename)

  • .output(pathOrOptions)

    Set the output path, or specify the entire Webpack output configuration.

  • .plugin(name, ...args)

    Installed automatically with the given arguments.

  • .preLoader(name[, extensions = ".js"[, options]])

    Just like .loader, but is ran before all other loaders.

  • .sourcemap(type)

    Add a source map to the build.

  • .target(runtime)

    Either node or web.

  • .getConfig()

    Returns the Webpack configuration

    • .toString()

      Returns the Webpack configuration as a string.

  • .getState()

    Returns the normalized configuration (prior to reducing).

    • .toString()

      Returns a string of the normalized configuraiton.


MIT License 2016 © Eric Clemmons