
It needs to be run on already build version of flipside app in .tmp/flipside

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sleeperDist from '';


Sleepers booking engine deployment example

It needs to be run on already build version of flipside app in .tmp/flipside

Starting the example

To start example server please run following commands:

  • npm install
  • npm start

Then go to http://localhost:8000 for main widget or http://localhost:8000/flexipass to access a flexipass widget. Please see server.js and views/ for more details on how the example is structured.

Publishing to s3 bucket

Take env that you've set in server.js and verion set in package.json and use it in publish command like that:

  • PUBLISH_ENV=local PUBLISH_VER=2.20.2 npm publish

Changing the maximum number of allowed passengers in the widget

To change the maximum number of allowed passengers in the widget please find common.json file and update the maxPersons line. Currently, it's value is set to 6.