
Slidevs.js is a presentation framework which enables his user to create a HTML5 browser presentation which can be controlled from any mobile phone or tablet.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slidevs from '';



Slidevs.js is a presentation framework which enables users to create a HTML5 browser presentation which can be controlled from any mobile phone or tablet, just by writing one main layout and each slide as a individual html file. Watch the demo here.

$ npm install slidevs

Creating a Slidevs

All of the following inserted option names/paths are also default, and will be used when creating a new Slidevs without any options.

var slidevs = require('slidevs');

var exampleSlidevs = slidevs({
        name: 'Slidevs Presentation',
        layout: 'main-layout.html',
        styling: 'styling.css',
        slidesFolder: '/slides',
        scriptsFolder: '/scripts',
        imagesFolder: '/images',
        controls: {
            on: true,
            password: false
        progressBar: true,
        port: 5000


Full documentation

Full documentation and further reading can be found at the Github page.