
Helps you to create and publish your Angular components quickly using Gulp

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushNgPack from '';



Helps you to create and publish your Angular components quickly using Gulp.

Getting Started

Install Slush and ng-pack generator:

npm install -g slush
npm install -g slush-ng-pack

Initialize the generator:

slush ng-pack

Also a Yeoman generator is available, please check sytac/ng-pack for it.


  1. Setup your E2E testing environment for once: npm install -g protractor && webdriver-manager update --standalone
  2. Run gulp watch, go to http://localhost:8080/demo/index.html and play on /src.
  3. Use gulp test-unit or gulp test-e2e to execute your tests. (Be sure that selenium driver is up: webdriver-manager start)
  4. Finally, create your distribution files: gulp build
  5. Publish!

Live Examples
