
Altocloud ui component scaffolding tool

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slushUiComponent from '';



A slush generator for Altocloud UI Components.


Install slush-ui-component globally:

npm install -g slush-ui-component

Altocloud dev environment should have slush installed globally, otherwise:

npm install -g slush

Altocloud dev environment should have bower installed as well, otherwise:

npm install -g bower


Create a new folder for your ui component:

mkdir my-ui-component

Run the generator from within the new folder:

cd my-ui-component

slush ui-component

You will now be prompted to give your new UI Component a name, which will be dasherized and used in its bower.json and package.json respectively. The chosen name will be camelized and used as the main angular module as well, inside src/js/app.js.