
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install command:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartIndexServe from '';



Smart Data Link

Easy to download, watch content and maintain folders.

Install through ``NPM`

This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install command:

steps follow:

  1. Go to your user directory C:\Users\ .atom\packages\

  2. Run below command it will install smart-data-link plugin to your .atom/packages/

        $ npm install smart-data-link

dependencies: smart-index

How to install smart-index?

After installization done smart-data-link go to below ditectory

C:\Users\ <name> \.atom\packages\smart-data-link\node_modules\

run command npm install smart-index

Install through ATOM

If you connect multiple devices same network like Wi-Fi or LAN you can access this smart build server url across.


Supported: - Mobile
           - Desktop

How to install atom plugin from the Atom market place.

  1. Open Atom application

  2. Open the Install Packages/Themes by click Packages --> Settings View and select Install Packages/Themes

  3. Select Install on the Settings menu 4.**** Then type in search box SmartDataLink and click on install button.

Install atom plugin with a command line

  1. Install the apm utility. See if you do not have it installed.

  2. Git clone this repository

  3. Switch to the root directory of the clone on your local disk

  4. Run the command 'apm link' in a terminal

Creators : Sumanth.S / C4T Brilliant Thoughts