
A simple Angular library to lazy load images, make responsive images, and use next generation formats.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartPicture from '';


Smart Picture

A simple Angular library to lazy load images, make responsive images, and use next generation formats.

This library features:

  • Lazy loading of images
  • Usage of HTML5's picture element
  • Responsive image based on custom aspect ratio


Angular 9+

$ npm install --save smart-picture


The first thing you need to do after installing the library is importing the SmartPictureModule on any Angular module you want.

For example:


import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

import { SmartPictureModule } from 'smart-picture';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule, SmartPictureModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

After that you can start using the ng-smart-picture element on any component inside that module.


There are two ways of loading an image using the <ng-smart-picture></ng-smart-picture> custom element.

  • Binding a SmartPictureSettings object.
  • Binding individual setting values.

You can also use both methods at the same time, just keep in mind that the SmartPictureSettings object is going to overwrite any individual binding of the same setting.

Binding a SmartPictureSettings object.

For this method you need to pass to each <ng-smart-picture></ng-smart-picture> element a SmartPictureSettings object.

For example:


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { SmartPictureSettings } from 'smart-picture';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {
  public exampleImage: SmartPictureSettings = {
    src: {
      url: '',
      type: 'image/jpeg',


<ng-smart-picture [settings]="exampleImage"></ng-smart-picture>

A SmartPictureSettings object with all settings looks like this:

const exampleWithAllSettings: SmartPictureSettings = {
  src: {
    url: '',
    type: 'image/webp',
    fallbackUrl: '',
    fallbackType: 'image/jpeg',
  alt: 'An example image',
  ariaHidden: false,
  lazyLoad: true,
  heightRatio: 1,
  widthRatio: 1,
  objectFit: 'cover',
  objectPosition: 'center',

Binding individual setting values

If you can't or don't want to have a SmartPictureSettings object you can also bind individual setting values.

For example:


<ng-smart-picture src="" type="image/jpeg"></ng-smart-picture>

A ng-smart-picture element with all setting properties looks like:

  alt="An example image"

ℹ️ Almost all attributes have the same name as the properties of the SmartPictureSettings object with the exception of src.url, src.type, src.fallbackUrl and src.fallbackType which correspond to src, type, fallbackSrc and fallbackType respectively.


Attribute or property Value Type Default Value Description
src (src.url on the SmartPictureSettings object) string null Path or url to the image that is going to be loaded.
type (src.type on the SmartPictureSettings object) MIME type null Specifies the image file format of the image specified on the src or src.url on the SmartPictureSettings object.
fallbackSrc (src.fallbackUrl on the SmartPictureSettings object) string null If the image specified on the src or src.url on the SmartPictureSettings object is not supported on all browsers you can pass a path or url to a fallback image using this property.
fallbackType (src.fallbackType on the SmartPictureSettings object) MIME type null Specifies the image file format of the image specified on the fallbackSrc or src.fallbackUrl on the SmartPictureSettings object.
alt string '' Specifies an alternate text for an image to describe the appearance and function of an image on a page. Visit the img element documentation for more information.

This renders as the alt attribute for the img element:
<img alt="" />
ariaHidden boolean false Controls the aria-hidden attrubute for the img element. Visit the usage of the aria-hidden attribute guide for more information.
lazyLoad boolean true If lazyLoad is true the component will use an IntersectionObserver (if it is supported by the browser) to only render the picture element if the component is in view.
heightRatio number null Provides a y units height number for the calculation of the image aspect ratio.
This allows the image to be rezised and keeping the aspect ratio consistent.

ℹ️ You must also provide a widthRatio value.
widthRatio number null Provides a x units width number for the calculation of the image aspect ratio.
This allows the image to be rezised and keeping the aspect ratio consistent.

ℹ️ You must also provide a heightRatio value.
objectFit 'fill'
'contain' Specifies the value for the CSS property object-fit. Useful to adapt the image content when using the aspect ratio technique. For more information about the CSS property visit the object-fit documentation.
objectPosition string 'center' Specifies the value for the CSS property object-position. Useful to align the image when using the aspect ratio technique. For more information about the CSS property visit the object-position documentation.

The SmartPictureSettings interface

You can import the interface like this:

import { SmartPictureSettings } from 'smart-picture';

This interface has the following structure:

interface SmartPictureSettings {
  src?: {
    url: string;
    type: MIMEType;
    fallbackUrl?: string;
    fallbackType?: MIMEType;
  alt?: string;
  ariaHidden?: boolean;

  lazyLoad?: boolean;

  heightRatio?: number;
  widthRatio?: number;

  objectFit?: ObjectFitValues;
  objectPosition?: string; // See for more information

// See for more information
type MIMEType =
  | 'image/jpeg'
  | 'image/apng'
  | 'image/bmp'
  | 'image/gif'
  | 'image/x-icon'
  | 'image/jpeg'
  | 'image/png'
  | 'image/svg+xml'
  | 'image/tiff'
  | 'image/webp';

// See for more information
export type ObjectFitValues = 'fill' | 'contain' | 'cover' | 'none' | 'scale-down' | 'inherit' | 'initial' | 'unset';

The pictureLoaded event

This event is fired every time a picture loads and is usefull if you want to run some code after a lazy loaded image load.

First you need to make a method on your component that will run every time a image with the event attached loads.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { PictureLoadEvent } from 'smart-picture';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {
  public onPictureLoaded(event: PictureLoadEvent): void {
    // here goes your code

Then attach the method to the pictureLoaded event like this:


This will run the function onPictureLoaded() when the image loads and pass the PictureLoadEvent to the function.

The PictureLoadEvent is an object with the following structure:

interface PictureLoadEvent {
  wasLazyLoaded: boolean; // is true if the image was lazy loaded and false if it was not or if the browser does not support the IntersectionObserver API
  settings: SmartPictureSettings;

Binding source elements for the picture element

By default every ng-smart-picture element will have inside a ``pictureelement and if you need to pass asourceelement child ofpictureyou can just put it inside theng-smart-picture` like this.

<ng-smart-picture src="" type="image/webp">
  <source srcset="" type="image/webp" media="(min-width: 600px)" />

For more information about the source and picture element visit the <picture> documentation.