This npm package contains all the method for SmartUX application build process from SmartUX Studio.
$ npm install smartuxbuild
input parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example value | Data type |
protocol | protocol of the smartUX studio environment | 'http' or 'https' | String |
hostURL | URL of the SmartUX Studio (do not include http:// or https://) | | String |
username | username to log in to SmartUX Studio | admin | String |
encryptedPassword | encrypted password | Click here for details | String |
appsForBuild [optional] | List of specific apps for build separated by ':' | app1:app2:app3 | String |
port [optional] | port at which the SmartUX studio is running | 3000 or default port is 80 | String |
import the required npm modules in your file
const smartuxbuild = require(‘smartuxbuild’);
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
example usage:
// Set the enviroment variables
const protocol = "<http or https>";
const hostURL = "<YOUR STUDIO URL>";
const username = "<STUDIO USERNAME>";
const encryptedPassword = "<ENCRYPTED PASSWORD>";
const port = "<port number at which the SmartUX studio is running>";
// Calling the buildAllAps - this method calls all the methods to make API calls to SmartUX Studio eg. login method to call login API etc.
martuxbuild.buildAllApps(protocol,hostURL,username,encryptedPassword,appsForBuild).catch((e) => {
For advanced users buildAllApps in detail
async function buildAllApps(protocol,hostURL,username,encryptedPassword,appsForBuild) {
var result = {};
var lastVersion;
var appsInStudio = [];
var appsForBuildArray= [];
var smartUXPublishedApps = "<Your directory to save the application zip file>";
if (fs.existsSync(smartUXPublishedApps)) {
for (const file of fs.readdirSync(smartUXPublishedApps)) {
fs.unlinkSync(path.join(smartUXPublishedApps, file));
} else {
appsForBuildArray = appsForBuild.split(':');
else {
console.log("List of applications for build is not defined. All apps will be published.")
console.log("Trying to login to the SmartUX studio environment!");
authObject = await smartuxbuild.login(protocol,hostURL,username,encryptedPassword);
console.log("Login Successful!" + JSON.stringify(authObject));
console.log("Getting the list of applications from SmartUX studio!");
result = await smartuxbuild.getApps(authObject);
if (result && result.error) {
throw "Get apps failed with error: " + result.error.message;
console.log("List of application from SmartUX studio : " + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
appsInStudio = JSON.stringify(result, null, 2);
appsInStudio = JSON.parse(appsInStudio);
var buildAllApps = !appsForBuildArray || appsForBuildArray.length===0;
for (var i = 0; i < appsInStudio.result.length; i++) {
var appId = appsInStudio.result[i].id;
var fileName = appId + "_" + smartuxbuild.fullDate + ".zip";
var appInBuildList = appsForBuildArray.length!==0 && appsForBuildArray.indexOf(appId) > -1;
if (buildAllApps || appInBuildList) {
console.log(appId + " Found in the list of applications required to be build");
console.log("Opening application with app id : " + appId);
result = await, appId);
if (result && result.error) {
throw "Open apps failed with error: " + result.error.message;
console.log(appId + " opened in SmartUX Studio successfully!")
result = await smartuxbuild.getPublishInfo(authObject, appId);
if (result && result.error) {
console.log("Publish Info failed for " + appId);
throw "Error: "+result.error.message;
lastVersion = result.result.version;
if(!lastVersion || lastVersion===""){
lastVersion ="1.0.0";
console.log("Initiating Git pull for application Id: " + appId+", version: "+lastVersion);
result = await smartuxbuild.pull(authObject, appId);
if (result && result.error) {
throw "Git pull for " + appId + " failed with error: " + result.error.message;
console.log("Completed Git pull for application Id: " + appId+", version: "+lastVersion);
console.log("Initiating publish for application Id: " + appId+", version: "+lastVersion);
result = await smartuxbuild.publish(authObject, appId, fileName,lastVersion);
if (result && result.error) {
console.log("Publish failed for " + appId);
throw "Error: "+result.error.message;
console.log("Completed publish for application Id: " + appId+", version: "+lastVersion);
console.log("Starting download for application Id: " + appId+", version: "+lastVersion);
result = await, appId, fileName, smartUXPublishedApps);
if (result && result.error) {
throw "Download failed for " + appId + " with error: " + result.error.message;;
console.log("Completed download for application Id: " + appId);
console.log("Application: " + appId + " successfully saved as " + fileName);
else {
console.log(appId + " Application id not found in the list apps for build. This app will not be built!");
smartuxbuild npm module contains following methods
This method makes a POST call to SmartUX Studio to authenticate and get an access token for the subsequent methods for the build process.
input parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example value | Data type |
protocol | protocol of the smartUX studio environment | 'http' or 'https' | String |
hostURL | URL of the SmartUX Studio (do not include http:// or https://) | | String |
username | username to log in to SmartUX Studio | admin | String |
encryptedPassword | encrypted password | Click here for details | String |
appsForBuild [optional] | List of specific apps for build separated by ':' | app1:app2:app3 | String |
port [optional] | port at which the SmartUX studio is running | 3000 or default port is 80 | String |
example usage:
authObject = smartuxbuild.login(protocol, hostURL, username, password);
sample output:
This method makes a POST call to SmartUX Studio to get the list of all applications available in SmartUX Studio.
input parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example value | Data type |
authObject | result object from login method | check sample authObject below | JSON object |
sample authObject:
authObject = {
"protocol": protocol,
"hostURL": hostURL,
"accessToken": accessToken
example usage:
sample output:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
{"name": "testApp",
"defaultLayout": "PhonePortrait",
"previewToken": "6637a22e",
"theme": "Anchor",
"clientVersion": "6.1.0",
"hidden": false,
"isBuiltInTemplate": false,
"disableSideMenu": false,
"description": "",
"creatorId": "testuser",
"created": 1588151947117,
"screensCount": 11,
"viewOnly": false,
"branch": "master",
"isRemote": true,
"creatorName": "testuser ",
"explorations": [],
"useMockData": false,
"iconUrl": "/previews/home.png",
"id": "backtowork",
"updated": 1595881366524}
This method makes a POST call to the SmartUX Studio to open each application in SmartUX Studio.
input parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example value | Data type |
authObject | result object from login method | sample authObject above | JSON object |
appId | id from the app list from getApps method | App1 | string |
example usage:, appId);
This method makes a POST call to the SmartUX Studio and returns the last version of the given appId.
input parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example value | Data type |
authObject | result object from login method | sample authObject above | JSON object |
appId | id from the app list from getApps method | App1 | string |
example usage:
smartuxbuild.getPublishInfo(authObject, appId);
### sample output:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"smartuxApp": "1.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"date": 1595887546977,
"creator": "Admin",
"clientVersion": "6.1.0",
"id": " App1",
"name": "App1",
"serverVersion": "6.1.0",
"serverModulesIncluded": true,
"buildType": "AOT",
"cbUrl": "/cb",
"packageName": "" },
"id": ""
## pull:
<p> This method makes a POST call to the SmartUX Studio and performs the git pull operation for the given application id. </p>
### input parameters:
| Parameter | Description | Example value | Data type
| authObject | result object from login method | sample authObject above | JSON object |
| appId | id from the app list from getApps method | App1 | string |
### example usage:
smartuxbuild.pull(authObject, appId);
### sample output:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"success": true},
"id": ""
## publish:
<p> This method makes a POST call to the SmartUX Studio and executes publish for the given appId. </p>
### input parameters:
| Parameter | Description | Example value | Data type
| authObject | result object from login method | sample authObject above | JSON object |
| appId | id from the app list from getApps method | App1 | string |
| fileName| Package name from output of getPublishhInfo method | |string |
|lasrVersion |App version from output of getPublishhInfo method | 1.0.1 | string |
### example usage:
smartuxbuild.publish(authObject, appId, fileName, lastVersion);
### sample output:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"packageName": "" },
"id": ""
## download:
<p> This method makes a GET call to the SmartUX Studio and downloads the application zip file in the specified directory. </p>
### input parameters:
| Parameter | Description | Example value | Data type
| authObject | result object from login method | sample authObject above | JSON object |
| appId | id from the app list from getApps method | App1 | string |
| fileName| Package name from output of getPublishhInfo method | |string |
|smartUXPublishedApps |Directory path where app zip will be downloaded | ‘./smartUXPublishedApps’ | string |
### example usage:
```javascript, appId, fileName, smartUXPublishedApps);