
A single-file, es6 javascript that allows for frontend use of's public api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smashggPromise from '';



Author: Brandon Cooke & Jarrod Blanton

smashgg-promise is an alternative to the library. Smashgg-Promise provides Promise functionality to the created smashgg object, and is usable on browsers.


  • 1.1.0
    • File has changed to implement AWS Lambda instead of a static server. If you are on 1.0.0, it is imperative that you upgrade your version now. All server operations will be terminated by end of day 4/12/2018 in lieu of the new lambda implementation. This will make 1.0.0 non-operational. You do not have to do anything besides upgrade your version. No code changes besides where the data comes from has been made.


  • ecmascript 6
  • NodeJS (optional)


  • Download and use in project
  • NodeJS (optional)
npm install --save smashgg-promise




    .then(to12 => {
        .then(players => {
            var playerCount = players.length;
            console.log(`${playerCount} players entered Tipped Off 12`);
            // Log basic info about every player
            players.forEach(player => {
                    'Name: ' + player.getName() + '\n',
                    'Tag: ' + player.getTag() + '\n',
                    'State: ' + player.getState() + '\n'
        .catch(err => console.error(err));

            .then(matches => {
                console.log(`${sets.length} total matches were played at Tipped Off 12`);
                matches.forEach(match => {
                        // Get score
                        `[${match.getRound() + ': ' + match.getWinner().getTag() + ' ' + match.getWinnerScore() + ' - ' + match.getLoserScore() + ' ' + match.getLoser().getTag()}] \n`,
                        // Get winner final placement
                        `${match.getWinner().getTag()} placed  ${match.getWinner().getFinalPlacement()} \n`,
                        // Get loser final placement
                        `${match.getLoser().getTag()} placed ${match.getLoser().getFinalPlacement()} \n`
            .catch(err => console.error(err));
.catch(error => {
    console.error('An error occurred: ', error);
370 players entered Tipped Off 12

Name: Grayson Garrett
 Tag: Gas$
 State: GA

Name: Austin Crews
 Tag: Gladiator
 State: GA

Name: Davis Robertson
 Tag: NIX
 State: SC

.... continues ....

1393 total matches were played at Tipped Off 12

[Winners Round 1: Cloud-9 0 - -1 T] 
 Cloud-9 placed  97 
 T placed 129 

[Winners Round 1: DarkGenex 2 - 0 TheGromm] 
 DarkGenex placed  65 
 TheGromm placed 193 

[Winners Round 1: Gas$ 2 - 0 Ghost] 
 Gas$ placed  49 
 Ghost placed 129 

.... continues ....



A Tournament in smash-promise is a collection of Events, Phases, and Phases Groups that categorize different games played, game types within those games, and the matches that make up those games.

    .then(to12 => {
        // Do stuff with tournament
    .catch(e => console.error(e));


  • Tournament(name, exands, data);
    • tournamentName [required] - name slug or short tournament name
      • a slug is a string that uniquely identifies a tournament on the platform
        • ex: ceo-2016
      • a shortened name is a set abbreviation for a slug
        • ex: to12
    • expands - an object that defines which additional data is sent back. By default all values are marked true.
      • event - boolean - condensed data for the events that comprise this tournament
      • phase - boolean -condensed data for the phases that comprise the events
      • groups - boolean -condensed data for the groups that comprise the phases
      • stations - boolean -condensed data for the stations for each group
    • data - JSON string containing all of the information received from the XHR to the smashgg API.



  • get(tournamentName, expands)

    • Returns a Promise that resolves the data retrieved from the XHR to the smashgg API.
    • Params:
      • tournamentName [required]: name of the tournament. Either slug or shorthand.
      • expdands (optional)
  • getAllEvents()

    • Returns a Promise that resolves an array of all Events objects that are part of the Tournament.
  • getAllMatches()

    • Returns a Promise that resolves an array of all Match objects that took place in the Tournament.
    • NOTE: Matches represent a set in order to prevent overriding of 'Set' class.
  • getAllPlayers()

    • Returns a Promise that resolves an array of all Player objects that partook in the Tournament.


  • getId()
    • returns the id of the tournament
  • getName()
    • returns the name of the tournament
  • getSlug()
    • returns the slug for the tournament
  • getTimezone()
    • returns the string timezone the tournament occurred in
  • getStartTime()
    • returns a string 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss tz' for the start time of the tournament
  • getEndTime()
    • returns a string 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss tz' for the end time of the tournament
  • getWhenRegistrationCloses()
    • returns a string 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss tz' for the time registration is set to close
  • getCity()
    • returns the city where the tournament occurred
  • getState()
    • returns the state where the tournament occurred
  • getZipCode()
    • returns the zip code where the tournament occurred
  • getContactEmail()
    • return the email address listed for contacting
  • getContactTwitter()
    • return the twitter handle listed for contacting
  • getOwnerId()
    • return the id of the tournament owner
  • getVenueFee()
    • return the cost of the venue fee for the tournament
  • getProcessingFee()
    • return the cost of the processing fee to register for the tournament


An Event in smash-promise is a broad collection of matches for a single game and game type. For instance, Melee Singles is an Event while Melee Doubles is another Event. Events are comprised of optional Phases and Phases Groups.

smashgg.getEvent('to12', 'melee-singles')
    .then(to12event => { 
        to12event.getEventPhases().then(phases => {
            // Do stuff with event phases
        .catch(e => console.error(e));
    .catch(e => console.error(e));


  • Event(tournamentName, eventName, expands, data, eventId)
    • tournamentName [required] - tournament slug or shorthand name of the tournament
      • slug: ceo-2016
      • shorthand: to12 (for tipped-off-12-presented-by-the-lab-gaming-center)
    • eventName [required] - event slug
      • ex: melee-singles or bracket-pools
    • expands - an object that defines which additional data is sent back. By default all values are marked true.
      • phase - boolean -condensed data for the phases that comprises the event
      • groups - boolean -condensed data for the groups that comprise the phases
    • data - JSON string containing all of the information received from the XHR to the smashgg API.
    • eventId - optional parameter that can be passed in in order to call getEventById() rather than default get() method.



  • getEvent(tournamentName, eventName, expands)

    • Returns a Promise resolving the JSON data obtained from the XHR to the smashgg API endpoint.
  • getEventById(tournamentName = null, eventId)

    • An alternative to getEvent() that makes use of the event's ID in order to make a request to the smashgg API.
    • Returns a Promise resolving the JSON data retrieved from the XHR to the API.
  • getEventPhases()

    • Returns a Promise resolving an array of Phase objects for this Event
  • getEventPhaseGroups()

    • Returns a Promise resolving an array of PhaseGroup objects for this Event


  • getName()
    • returns the name of the event
  • getSlug()
    • returns the slug for the event
  • getStartTime()
    • returns a date string (MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss tz) for when the event is set to begin
  • getEndTime()
    • returns a date string (MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss tz) for when the event is set to end


A phase in smash-promise is a subset of matches and brackets inside an Event. For example, a wave in pools is a Phase. Everything in that Phase is a Group (or Phase Group).

    .then(to12phase => {
        var info = [
                key: 'Name',
                value: to12phase.getName()
                key: 'EventId',
                value: to12phase.getEventId()
    .catch(e => console.error(e))


  • Phase(id, expands, data)
    • id [required] - unique identifier for the Phase
    • expands - an object that defines which additional data is sent back. By default all values are marked true.
      • groups - boolean -condensed data for the groups that comprise the phases
    • data - the parsed data obtained from the XHR to the smashgg API.



  • getPhase()

    • Returns a Promise that resolves a request to the smashgg API endpoint for that particular phase.
    • This method sits on the Phase classes prototype and references the object's get() method.
  • getPhaseGroups()

    • Returns a Promise resolving an array of PhaseGroup objects belonging to this Phase
  • getPhasePlayers()

    • Returns a Promise resolving an array of Player objects that belong to the current Phase.
  • getPhaseSets()

    • Returns a Promise resolving an array of Match objects that have been conducted in this Phase.


  • getName()
    • returns the name of the Phase
  • getEventId()
    • returns the id of the Event this Phase belongs to


A Phase Group is the lowest unit on It is a bracket of some sort that belongs to a Phase.

    .then(to12phasegroup => {
        // Do stuff with phase group
    .catch(e => console.error(e));


  • PhaseGroup(id, expands, data)
    • id [required] - unique identifier for this Phase Group
    • expands - an object that defines which additional data is sent back. By default all values are marked true.
      • sets - boolean - data for the sets that comprises the phase group
      • entrants - boolean - data for the entrants that comprise the phase group
      • standings - boolean - data for the standings of the entrants for the phase group
      • seeds - boolean - data for the seeding of entrants for the for the phase group
    • data - the parsed data obtained from the XHR to the smashgg API.



  • getPhaseGroup(id, expands)

    • Returns a Promise that resolves the JSON data that has been retrieved from the smashgg API endpoint.
  • getPlayers()

    • Returns a Promise that resolves an array of Player objects for the Phase Group.
  • getMatches()

    • Return a Promise that resolves an array of Set objects for the Phase Group.
  • findWinnerLoserByParticipantIds(winnerId, loserId)

    • Returns a Promise that resolves an array of Objects that describing the result of a Match that has been played between two players in the Phase Group.
  • findPlayersByParticipantId(id)

    • Returns a Promise that resolves an array of Player objects that participated in the current Phase Group by that Phase Group's particular ID.


  • getPhaseId()
    • returns the Phase Id that owns this Phase Group


A Match is a data object that holds information about a tournament set that took place at a tournament. The keyword Match is used in order to prevent accidental overriding of the native Set class.

    .then(to12 => {
            .then(matches => {
                // Do stuff with matches
            .catch(e => console.error(e));
    .catch(e => console.error(e))


  • Match(id, eventId, round, WinnerPlayer, LoserPlayer, data)
    • id [required] - unique identifier of the Set object
    • eventId [required] - id of the event this Set belongs to
    • round [required] - round name of the Set
    • WinnerPlayer [required] - Player object of the winner of the Set
    • LoserPlayer [required] - Player object of the loser of the Set
    • data - raw data of the Match object retrieved from the smashgg API endpoint.


  • no additional properties for Set



  • getRound()
    • return the round name for the Set
  • getWinner()
    • return the Winner Player object for the Set
  • getLoser()
    • return the Loser Player object for the Set
  • getGames()
    • return the list of Games for the Set if available
  • getBestOfCount()
    • return the best-of count for the Set
  • getWinnerScore()
    • return the winner's score for the Set
  • getLoserScore()
    • return the loser's score for the Set
  • getBracketId()
    • return the bracket id for the Set
  • getMidsizeRoundText()
    • return the midsize round text for the Set
  • getPhaseGroupId()
    • return the phase id for the Phase which this Set belongs to
  • getWinnersTournamentPlacement()
    • return the Set winner's final tournament placing
  • getLosersTournamentPlacement()
    • return the Set loser's final tournament placing


A Player is a data object that holds information about players who went to a tournament using

    .then(to12 => {
            .then(players => {
                // Do stuff with players
            .catch(e => console.error(e))
    .catch(e => console.error(e));


  • Player(id, tag, name, country, state, sponsor, participantId, data)
    • id [required] - the global id for the player in
    • tag - smash tag of the player
    • name - real name of the player
    • country - country the player hails from
    • state/region - state or region the player is from in the country
    • sponsor/prefix - the sponsor (or user selected prefix) of the player
    • participantId - the participant id the player was assigned upon registering for a tournament
    • data - the raw player data from


  • no additional properties for Player



  • resolve(data)
    • data - the raw player data from
    • this method takes the raw json payload of a single player in the system and returns a player object


  • getId()
    • return the id of the Player
  • getTag()
    • return the tag of the Player
  • getName()
    • return the name of the Player
  • getCountry()
    • return the country of the Player
  • getState()
    • return the state of the Player
  • getSponsor()
    • return the Sponsor of the Player
  • getParticipantId()
    • return the participant id of the Player
  • getFinalPlacement()
    • requires data property
    • return the final placement of the Player