The official Smile Identity gem exposes four classes namely; the Web Api class, the ID Api class, the Signature class and the Utilities class.
Note: This is a server-side library.
The Web Api Class allows you as the Partner to validate a user’s identity against the relevant Identity Authorities/Third Party databases that Smile Identity has access to using ID information provided by your customer/user (including photo for compare). It has the following public methods:
- submit_job
- get_job_status
- get_web_token
The ID Api Class lets you performs basic KYC Services including verifying an ID number as well as retrieve a user's Personal Information. It has the following public methods:
- submit_job
The Signature Class allows you as the Partner to generate a sec_key or a signature to interact with our servers. It has the following public methods:
- generate_sec_key
- confirm_sec_key
- generate_signature
- confirm_signature
The Utilities Class allows you as the Partner to have access to our general Utility functions to gain access to your data. It has the following public methods:
- get_job_status
This package requires node 6.x or higher
This package requires specific input parameters, for more detail on these parameters please refer to our documentation for Web API.
Please note that you will have to be a Smile Identity Partner to be able to query our services. You can sign up on the Portal.
Install it to your system as:
npm install smile-identity-core
Require the package:
const smileIdentityCore = require("smile-identity-core");
and pull in any of the necessary class that you'd be using:
const WebApi = smileIdentityCore.WebApi;
const IDApi = smileIdentityCore.IDApi;
const Signature = smileIdentityCore.Signature;
const Utilities = smileIdentityCore.Utilities;
We accept 2 forms of security to communicate with our servers. The sec_key
is the legacy means of communicating with our servers. This uses the v1 api key. The signature
field is our new improved means of signing requests. To calculate a signature you need to generate a v2 api key. Generating a v2
api key does not invalidate existing v1 keys so you can safely upgrade. The library will default to calculating the legacy sec_key
so your existing code will continue to behave as expected. To use the new signature
form of security pass the boolean signature: true
in the options object to any of our classes except Signature, where you would instead call the generate_signature
function instead of the generate_sec_key
Web Api Class
submit_job method
$ connection = new WebApi(partner_id, default_callback, api_key, sid_server);
$ response = connection.submit_job(partner_params, image_details, id_info, options);
The response will be a promise. Please note that if you do not need to pass through id_info or options, you may omit calling those class and send through nil in submit_job, as follows:
$ response = connection.submit_job(partner_params, images, null, null);
$ response = connection.submit_job(partner_params, images, {}, {});
In the case of a Job Type 5 you can simply omit the the images and options keys. Remember that the response is immediate, so there is no need to query the job_status. There is also no enrollment so no images are required. The response for a job type 5 can be found in the response section below.
$ response = connection.submit_job(partner_params, null, id_info, null);
Should you choose to set return_job_status to false, the response will be a JSON containing:
{success: true, smile_job_id: smile_job_id}
However, if you have set return_job_status to true (with image_links and history) then you will receive a promise that will return a JSON Object response like below:
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File":"Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare":"Not Applicable"
"ResultText":"Enroll User",
"optional_info":"we are one",
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File":"Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare":"Not Applicable"
"ResultText":"Enroll User",
"optional_info":"we are one",
You can also view your response asynchronously at the callback that you have set, it will look as follows:
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File":"Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare":"Not Applicable"
"ResultText":"Enroll User",
"optional_info":"we are one",
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File":"Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare":"Not Applicable"
"ResultText":"Enroll User",
"optional_info":"we are one",
If you have queried a job type 5, your response be a promise that will return JSON that will contain the following:
"ResultType":"ID Verification",
"ResultText":"ID Number Validated",
"FullName":"JOHN LEO DOE",
It will return undefined if you chose to set return_job_status to false, however if you have set options. return_job_status to true then you will receive a response like below:
"timestamp": "2018-03-13T21:04:11.193Z",
"signature": "<your signature>",
"job_complete": true,
"job_success": true,
"result": {
"ResultText": "Enroll User",
"ResultType": "SAIA",
"SmileJobID": "0000001897",
"JSONVersion": "1.0.0",
"IsFinalResult": "true",
"PartnerParams": {
"job_id": "52d0de86-be3b-4219-9e96-8195b0018944",
"user_id": "e54e0e98-8b8c-4215-89f5-7f9ea42bf650",
"job_type": 4
"ConfidenceValue": "100",
"IsMachineResult": "true",
"code": "2302"
You can also view your response asynchronously at the callback that you have set, it will look as follows:
"ResultCode": "1220",
"ResultText": "Authenticated",
"ResultType": "DIVA",
"SmileJobID": "0000000001",
"JSONVersion": "1.0.0",
"IsFinalResult": "true",
"PartnerParams": {
"job_id": "e7ca3e6c-e527-7165-b0b5-b90db1276378",
"user_id": "07a0c120-98d7-4fdc-bc62-3c6bfd16c60e",
"job_type": 2
"ConfidenceValue": "100.000000",
"IsMachineResult": "true"
If an error occurs, the Web Api package will throw an error. Be sure to catch any error that occurs as in this example:
const connection = new webApi(partner_id, default_callback, api_key, sid_server);
const response = connection.submit_job(partner_params, image_details, id_info, options);
response.then((result) => {
// evaluate result if options.return_job_status was true
}).catch((error) => {
// figure out what went wrong
get_job_status method
Sometimes, you may want to get a particular job status at a later time. You may use the get_job_status function to do this:
You will already have your Web Api class initialised as follows:
connection = new WebApi(partner_id, default_callback, api_key, sid_server);
Thereafter, simply call get_job_status with the correct parameters:
response = connection.get_job_status(partner_params, options)
where options is {return_history: true | false, return_image_links: true | false}
Please note that if you do not need to pass through options if you will not be using them, you may omit pass through an empty hash or nil instead:
response = connection.get_job_status(partner_params, options);
// where options is {return_history: true | false, return_images: true | false}
Your response will return a promise that contains a JSON Object below (with image_links and history included):
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File":"Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare":"Not Applicable"
"ResultText":"Enroll User",
"optional_info":"we are one",
"Human_Review_Update_Selfie":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Update_Registered_Selfie_On_File":"Not Applicable",
"Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Human_Review_Liveness_Check":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_ID_Card_Compare":"Not Applicable",
"Selfie_To_Registered_Selfie_Compare":"Not Applicable"
"ResultText":"Enroll User",
"optional_info":"we are one",
##### get_web_token method
You may want to use our hosted web integration, and create a session. The `get_web_token` function enables this.
You have your Web Api class initialised as follows:
connection = new WebApi(partner_id, default_callback, api_key, sid_server);
Next, you'll need to create your request object. This should take the following structure:
// String: required
"user_id": 'user-1',
// String: required
"job_id": 'job-1',
// String: required one of 'authentication', 'identity_verification', 'smartselfie', 'ekyc_smartselfie', 'enhanced_kyc', 'document_verification'
"product": 'authentication',
// String: required, optional if callback url was set during instantiation of the class
"callback_url": ""
Thereafter, call get_web_token
with the correct parameters:
response = connection.get_web_token(requestParams)
Your response will return a promise that contains a JSON Object below:
"token": <token_string>
ID Api Class
submit_job method
$ const connection = new IDApi(partner_id, api_key, sid_server);
$ const response = connection.submit_job(partner_params, id_info, options);
Your response will return a promise with JSON containing the below:
"ResultType":"ID Verification",
"ResultText":"ID Number Validated",
"FullName":"JOHN LEO DOE",
Signature Class
generate_sec_key method
$ connection = new Signature(partner_id, api_key);
$ sec_key = connection.generate_sec_key(timestamp)
// where timestamp is optional
The response will be an object:
sec_key: "<the generated sec key>",
timestamp: 1563283420
confirm_sec_key method
You can also confirm the signature that you receive when you interacting with our servers, simply use the confirm_sec_key method which returns a boolean:
$ connection = new Signature(partner_id, api_key);
$ sec_key = connection.confirm_sec_key(sec_key, timestamp)
Utilities Class
You may want to receive more information about a job. This is built into Web Api if you choose to set return_job_status as true in the options hash. However, you also have the option to build the functionality yourself by using the Utilities class. Please note that if you are querying a job immediately after submitting it, you will need to poll it for the duration of the job.
utilities_connection = new Utilities('partner_id', 'api_key' , sid_server)
utilities_connection.get_job_status('user_id', 'job_id', options)
// where options is {return_history: true | false, return_image_links: true | false}
After checking out the repo, run npm install
to install dependencies. Then, run npm test
to run the tests.
To release a new version, update the version number in package.json
, and then run git tag -a <new version number>
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the changes to github for review.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
Ask a Smile Identity team member to add you to the npm team organisation. Provide them with your npm username.
Once you are added to the organisation, login to npm on the command line using npm login
To publish a new version, first update the version number in the package.json file following the semantic versioning spec found here.
We strongly suggest updating the github tag to match the npm published version. You can do this as follows:
$ git tag -a <tagname which is the npm version number> -m '<message>'
$ git push origin <tag>
The gist of it is as follows:
Code status | Stage | Rule | Example version |
First release | New product | Start with 1.0.0 | 1.0.0 |
Backward compatible bug fixes | Patch release | Increment the third digit | 1.0.1 |
Backward compatible new features | Minor release | Increment the middle digit and reset last digit to zero | 1.1.0 |
Changes that break backward compatibility | Major release | Increment the first digit and reset middle and last digits to zero | 2.0.0 |
Thereafter, run npm publish
and follow the section to install and use the library in your external app.