
Simple multilingual website module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smws from '';



Simple multilingual website module

This is lightweight module, which help to render and controle you pages and paths.

Work with Express.js, tested with EJS and Eta view engines.

You can create multilingual website with SEO friendly urls.

To see and test example pls visit test on Github


$ npm i smws


  • Check language from params or cookies,
  • Render view engine template with options from language file,
  • Not needed to setup app.get for each language,
  • SEO friendly urls;


smws.switcher(req,res); - use to switch languages from client-side;,res,val); - use to render template and contole params;

smws.split(path); - use to make multilingual url ;

Setup example

Setup you app file

For example:

const express = require('express'),
      cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'), // needed cookie-parser
      bodyParser = require('body-parser'), // needed body-parser
      smws = require('smws'), // require smws
      app = express();

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, () => {
   console.log('Server running on port 3000');

Configure module:

Use smws.config({options}); to setup module defaults;

This function is mandatory to setup

    defaultLang: 'de',
    languages: ['en','de','ru'],
    origin: ''

Config options:

  • languages Are your website languages, write in array. By default ['en'],
  • defaultLang Is prefered default language which will be rendered when someone first time visit your homepage. By default 'en',
  • langDir Is directory name in root where you store your .json files with traslations. By default 'languages',
  • origin Is youre website origin. By default 'http://localhost:3000',
  • cookieName Is cookie name which will be used to set language. By default 'lang',
  • langParam Is path param for languages. By default 'lang';

Write your GET requests

When you write your paths use smws.split('path') to GET SEO friendly urls with params in all languages.

For example:

app.get(smws.split('/:lang/:category/'), (req,res)=>{

Response templates and controle urls

Use{options}); to render template and controle your params:

app.get(smws.split('/:lang/:category/'), (req,res)=>{,res,{
        page: 'index',
        useParams: ['lang', 'category'],
        page404: 'page404'

Run options:

  • page Template in views which will be used for response. By default index;
  • useParams Array of params which need to controle, example:

You have this path /:lang/:category/:userID, and you want to controle translation only for :lang and :category params.

You have language .json files ru.json and en.json.

In language files you add translation for this params (more about language files below).

for en.json lang: 'en', category: 'category' and ru.json lang: 'ru', category: 'kategoriya',

then function allows to open paths like /en/category/:userID or /ru/kategoriya/:userID,

But sends 404 page when path will be /en/kategoriya/:userID or /ru/category/:userID;

  • page404 Template for 404 page. If not added then will response Page not found;

Setup language files

Default dir languages, you can change it in smws.config({options});.

Use file names same with you are defined in smws.config({languages: ['en','ru']});.

Language file example:

// en.json
    "smws": {
            "category": "category",
            "lang": "en"
    "hello": "Hello world"

Language switcher

You will need to setup backend and front-end to change prefered language!

In backend use smws.switcher(req,res);:

// example:'/:lang/languages',(res,req)=>{

In front-end:

<!-- using Eta engine -->
<form action="/<%= it.smws.lang %>/language" method="post">
    <button class="en-button" type="submit" name="lang" value="en">EN</button>
    <button class="ru-button" type="submit" name="lang" value="ru">RU</button>

<!-- using ejs engine -->
<form action="/<%= smws.lang %>/language" method="post">
    <button class="en-button" type="submit" name="lang" value="en">EN</button>
    <button class="ru-button" type="submit" name="lang" value="ru">RU</button>

Thank you for attention!

Hope this module will be helpfull for someone!

If you like it and want to say thx
