
Show Me Your Code CLI utility

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smycCli from '';



NPM install

First of all, install smyc-cli library:

npm i -g smyc-cli

Basic config setup

After installation, you should set basic configuration:

smyc init --baseURL=[BASE_URL] --apiKey=[API_KEY]

Git templates setup

Option 1 (no git template dir atm or global post-commit hook)

If you don't have git template dir yet, or you have one, but don't have post-commit hook in there, just run:

smyc init-hooks -g

During this, there will be created ~/.git-templates folder, where your git-hooks will be stored.

Option 2

If previous option has failed for you, it means you already have git templates dir and you have default post-commit hook, and you'll need manually add following line to its end:

smyc post-commit

After global hook setup

You'll need to run

git init

in all repos, in which you want to use that hook.


It's not necessary: you may init post-commit hook individually for any repo you want using smyc init-hooks # or ih w/o -g flag.


Using the tool requires you to have an account, so just:

smyc signup

and follow the instructions.


init-hooks (alias ih)

Adds post-commit hook to the current git repo.


This command allows you to send for review previous commit OR staged changes if you have any (you'll be asked what exactly you want to send).


Sends diff got by running git diff <GIT_DIFF_PARAMS>. Doesn't require init-hooks before.