
Intuitive prop syntax for Snabbdom JSX.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snabbdomTransformJsxProps from '';


♻ snabbdom-transform-jsx-props

Adds full prop syntax support for Snabbdom JSX

Version License Circle CI status (main) bundle size dependency status



$ npm i snabbdom snabbdom-transform-jsx-props


Import the transform function from this package and use it on Snabbdom JSX.

The below JSX example results in an identical virtual node structure.


import { jsx } from "snabbdom"

const node = (
  <div props={{ className: "my-component" }} hook={{ insert: fn }}>
    <h1 dataset={{ fooHeading: true }}>Hello world</h1>
    <p attrs={{ "aria-hidden": "true" }}>And good day</p>
      attrs={{ href: "#", style: "color: blue" }}
      props={{ tabIndex: 0 }}
      on={{ click: fn }}
      Try me!


import { jsx } from "snabbdom"
import { transform } from "snabbdom-transform-jsx-props"

const node = transform(
  <div className="my-component" hook-insert={fn}>
    <h1 data-foo-heading={true}>Hello world</h1>
    <p aria-hidden="true">And good day</p>
    <a href="#" attr-style="color: blue" tabIndex="0" on-click={fn}></a>


Any prop can be used at the top level.

Module shorthands

Declare a Snabbdom module prop without using the object syntax.

Prop pattern Module Example
hook- Hooks hook-insert={fn}
on- Event handlers on-click={fn}
data- Dataset data-foo-bar={value}
attr- Attributes attr-role={value}
prop- Properties prop-dir={value}

Worth noting is that you can set any prop, HTML attribute, or dom property to either the attributes or properties module by prefixing the name with attr- and prop-, respectively.

Aliased shorthands

These are alternate names for common props.

Prop pattern Alias for Example
className className={value}
class-name className class-name={value}
tabIndex tabIndex={value}
tabindex tabIndex tabIndex={value}
tab-index tabIndex tab-index={value}


By default, Snabbdom jsx pragma won't apply any prop unless you explicitly declare it in a module object.

While functional, this module-driven prop signature is awkward for JSX as most develoeprs expect props to be written somewhat like HTML.


This package uses jest-bench for comparing implementations.