
SNJS is a client-side JavaScript library for Standard Notes that contains shared JavaScript logic for mobile, web, and desktop.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snjs from '';



SNJS is a client-side JavaScript library for Standard Notes that contains shared JavaScript logic for mobile, web, and desktop.

This library can be used in any JavaScript environment, including web, desktop, native, and mobile (via React Native).


npm install --save snjs

Integrating in a web app

  1. Import these two files in your page, either via a packager like Grunt or Webpack, or via regular HTML script tags:
<script src="snjs.js"></script>


On the web, SNJS objects will be available as on the global window, such as window.protocolManager.

If in a module environment, you can import it via:

import { protocolManager } from 'snjs';

Generating keys for user

New user (registration):

protocolManager.generateInitialKeysAndAuthParamsForUser(email, password).then((results) => {
  let keys = results.keys;
  let authParams = results.authParams;

  let serverPassword =;
  let encryptionKey =;
  let authenticationKey = keys.ak;

Existing user (sign in):

let authParams = getPreviouslyCreatedAuthParams();
protocolManager.computeEncryptionKeysForUser(password, authParams).then((keys) => {
  let serverPassword =;
  let encryptionKey =;
  let authenticationKey = keys.ak;

Key descriptions:

pw: sent to the server for authentication.

mk: encrypts and decrypts items. Never sent to the server.

ak: authenticates the encryption and decryption of items. Never sent to the server.

Encrypting and decrypting items

Use protocolManager to encrypt and decrypt items. Use the SFItemParams as a wrapper over the item transformer. The SFItemParams class allows you to pass an SFItem object, encryption keys, and auth params, and will return the encrypted result.


let keys = getKeys(); // keys is a hash which should have properties mk and ak.
protocolManager.encryptItem(item, keys, authParams).then(() => {
 // item.content is now encrypted


let keys = getKeys(); // keys is a hash which should have properties mk and ak.
protocolManager.decryptItem(item, keys).then(() => {
 // item.content is now decrypted


  • SNJS uses an asynchronous API. All functions are asynchronous, and return immediately even if they have not finished. Add .then() to every call to be notified of the result, or use await if you don't want to use callbacks.


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