
Entities for using SocketIO in SnoozeJS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snoozeSocket from '';



Entities for using SocketIO in SnoozeJS


Install from NPM.

    npm install snooze-socket

Inject the snooze-socket module in your app module. snooze-socket depends on snooze-baselib and snooze-controller. These will automatically get imported when you import snooze-socket.

    snooze.module('myApp', ['snooze-socket']);


You can create a socket by giving a port or setting the http handler (like Express).

(function() {
    'use strict';
    snooze.module('myApp', ['snooze-socket'])
        .socket('ChatSocket', {
            port: 9876
        .run(function(ChatSocket) {
            ChatSocket.on('message', function() {});

The socket constructor takes several properties defining the socket. port, handler, controllers, and namespaces. To set a handler, pass the http app object to the handler property:

var app = require('express')();
var server = require('http').Server(app);


snooze.module('myApp', ['snooze-socket'])
    .socket('ChatSocket', {
        handler: server

You can use the named socket (in this case ChatSocket) as an injectable, however, using the snooze-controller is recommended.


Using the snooze-controller we can easily link socket events to controller methods.

snooze.module('myApp', ['snooze-socket'])
    .controller('ChatCtrl', {
        'message': function($opts) {
            var message = $;
            $opts.client.emit('response', {message: 'You sent: ' + message});
            $opts.socket.emit('response', {message: 'Hello EVERYONE'});
    .socket('ChatSocket', {
        port: 9876,
        controllers: ['ChatCtrl']

After Entities are compiled the socket will go through a post-compile phase that binds controller methods to socket events. Multiple controllers can be assigned to a socket to split responsibility and create better organization.

snooze.module('myApp', ['snooze-socket'])
    .controller('UserCtrl', {
        'connection': function($opts, UserManager) {
        'disconnect': function($opts, UserManager) {
    .controller('ChatCtrl', {
        'message': function($opts, ChatManager) {
            var message = $;
    .socket('ChatSocket', {
        port: 9876,
        controllers: ['ChatCtrl', 'UserCtrl']

In the above example socket.on('connection') and socket.on('disconnect') events will pass to the UserCtrl.connection and UserCtrl.disconnect methods. The socket.on('message') event will pass to the ChatCtrl.message method.


The $opts injectable passed to the Controller contains the following properties:

  • socket - The Socket object created through module.socket. Use socket.emit to send a message to all clients.
  • client - The Socket instance the generated the event. Use client.emit to send a message to that specific client.
  • data - The data recieved for the event.

Namespaces Namespaces are supported. Each namespace acts like a socket itself. To set a namespaces use the namespaces property in the socket constructor.

snooze.module('myApp', ['snooze-socket'])
    .socket('ChatSocket', {
        port: 9876,
        namespaces: {
            '/chat': {
                controllers: ['ChatCtrl']
            '/users': {
                controller: ['UsersCtrl']

This example creates two namespaces. One at http://localhost:9876/chat and one at http://localhost:9876/users. For more information on namespaces see namespaces.


See the chat room demo. Then see the snooze-socket chat room demo. See how using snooze organization makes setting up a application easier.


We're devoted to making snooze-socket and snooze better. Please contact us with comments/questions/bugs and we will address them ASAP.