
AWS SNS to slack notifications handler for AWS Lambda

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sns2slack from '';



AWS SNS to slack notifications handler for AWS Lambda


Assuming you already have SNS topic with subscribed lambda...

  1. Create node project and add dependency: npm install sns2slack

  2. Create index.js file with following content:

const sns2slack = require("sns2slack");

exports.handler = sns2slack();
  1. Zip your project file and upload it to AWS Lambda.

  2. Setup environment variables:

  • SLACK_URL - slack webhook integration url
  • SLACK_ENCRYPTED_URL - AWS KMS encrypted value of SLACK_URL
  • SLACK_CHANNEL - default slack channel name (you can override this value by map function)
  • SLACK_USER_NAME - slack user name (default: AWS SNS)
  • SLACK_USER_ICON - slack user icon (default: :aws:)


sns2slack(options): lambda handler function


  • map(snsMessage): optional function for transforming and filtering messages (return null to filter the log)