Snyk helps you find, fix and monitor for known vulnerabilities in your dependencies, both on an ad hoc basis and as part of your CI (Build) system.
Snyk snyk-licenses-texts
Snyk Licenses Report that provides Organization level licenses used, copyrights & dependencies data (including license texts & their urls).
Download the latest binary from the releases page
is set and has access to the Organization you want to generate the report for.
Basic CLI commands
- show help & all available commands and their optionsjson
- generate the raw JSON licenses & dependencies datagenerate
- generates an HTML report of licenses & dependencies data
Supported Options
Example usage:
- See help:
snyk-licenses-report help
- Get JSON output only:
snyk-licenses-report json --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID>
- Default HTML report (Licenses per Org view):
snyk-licenses-report generate --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID>
- See more information on what is hapenning behind the scenes:
DEBUG=snyk-license* snyk-licenses-report generate --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID>
- Custom Handlebars.js template provided:
snyk-licenses-report generate --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID> --template="PATH/TO/TEMPLATE/template.hsb"
The data in the template is available is in the format:
See the relevant TypeScript types in the repo for full information.{ licenses: LicenseReportData; orgPublicId: string; orgData: OrgData; }
Development setup
npm i
npm run test
from 1 password)DEBUG=snyk-license* node dist/index.js generate --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID>