
Create a GraphQL schema from a WSDL-defined SOAP endpoint.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import soapGraphql from '';



Create a GraphQL schema from a WSDL-defined SOAP endpoint.

The created GraphQL schema contains all types declared in the WSDL and provides all operations of the SOAP endpoint as GraphQL mutation fields. This enables you to re-publish a SOAP endpoint as a GraphQL server. This might be convenient for clients, that already handle GraphQL and do not want to handle SOAP. But note: The existence of this package should not necessarily encourage you to do this ... but it is possible.

This package is fully dependend on the node-soap package. It will only work in a Node.js environment.

Checkout soap-graphql-demo for a quick demo.

Example (TypeScript)

import * as express from 'express';
import * as expressGraphql from 'express-graphql';
import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
import { soapGraphqlSchema } from 'soap-graphql';

soapGraphqlSchema("http://<<url to wsdl>>").then((schema: GraphQLSchema) => {

    const app: express.Application = express();
    app.use('/graphql', expressGraphql({
        schema: schema,
        graphiql: true,

    app.listen(4000, () => { console.log(`serving graphql on http://localhost:4000/graphql`) });



Main entry point is the function soapGraphqlSchema(options: SoapGraphqlOptions | string): Promise<GraphQLSchema>

See code comments for more details.

Limitations and Issues

Supported WSDLs

There is no guarantee that this package will work with every valid WSDL.

node-soap-graphql.spec lists SOAP endpoints that were tested with this package. It also shows how to configure custom behavior for SOAP endpoints.

Feel free to post an issue (or better yet: create a pull request with a test case) if this package does not work with your SOAP endpoint.

XSD features

WSDL, and especially the XSD-based schema section, allows a wide variety of options to define primitive types. Handling of these options are only implemented in the most basic way; see DefaultTypeResolver.

In most cases you can handle the specifics of your SOAP endpoint by implementing a CustomTypeResolver.