
Connect a server to a redux store.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import socketset from '';



Connect a server to a redux store.


Inside of the client side application that includes a redux store, add the package with npm i socketset.


Integrating with Redux

The socketset module exports a function that returns a redux middleware function. To use it:

  1. Run this function, passing it the URL of the server.
  2. Pass the returned middleware to redux's applyMiddleware and compose functions with any other middleware.
  3. Pass the enhancer compose creates to redux's createStore function.
  4. Dispatch an action with the type 'SOCKETSET_CONNECT' to connect to

Here is an example which also includes the redux developer tools and the redux-thunk package for illustrative purposes:

import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from 'redux'
import reduxThunk from 'redux-thunk'
import socketset from 'socketset'

const devTools = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__
  : x => x

// 1. Run the function and pass it the server URL
const socket = socketset('localhost:4000')

// 2. Pass the returned middleware to applyMiddleware and compose
const middleware = applyMiddleware(reduxThunk, socket)

const enhancer = compose(middleware, devTools)

// 3. Pass the created enhancer to createStore
const store = createStore(reducer, enhancer)

// 4. Dispatch a 'SOCKETSET_CONNECT' action
const action = { type: 'SOCKETSET_CONNECT' }

Dispatching actions from the server

Whenever the server emits an 'action' event to the client, if the message is a plain object, it will be dispatched directly to the redux store.

// Server side
  'action', // the event must be 'action'
  { type: 'PING' } // This action object will be sent directly to your reducers.
  // If they contain a 'case' for 'PING', it will be handled.

Configuring debug messages

By default, debug mode is on. If debug mode is on, you will see browser console logs confirming when you connecting, disconnecting, and receiving actions. To disable these logs, pass false as the second argument when initializing socketset.

socketset('localhost:4000', false) // Normal debug messages will not appear, though warnings about invalid actions will still appear.