
Client module for communicating with the SoHo Token Labs backend API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sohotokenlabsApi from '';


SoHo Token Labs Client API Library

WIP Badge WIP Badge

Installation & Common Usage

1 - Install package

npm install sohotokenlabs-api

2 - Configure module to work with desired environment

const sohotokenlabs = require('sohotokenlabs-api')
const api = sohotokenlabs('')

3 - Consume API endpoints through the initiated NPM package

const { stlId } = await api.postCode({
  "name": "/my/cryptocurrency/project",
  "code": "data:application/octet-stream;base64,U1RMIFJvY2tzIQ=="
const codeDetails = await api.getCode({stlId})