A strongly typed Promise based Finite State Machine with a simple, fluent API.
> npm install solid-fsm
An FSM can provide a nice solution when building an application whose logic flow depends on well defined events (triggers). The states also become self-sufficient since they have no idea about the other states, they can themselves only signal progress through triggers.
Let's use an old-style telephone as an example. Its possible states are as follows:
- Idle - telephone is not in use
- Dialling - the user has picked up the handset and is dialling a number
- Waiting for answer - the user has dialled the number but has not yet gotten an answer
- Ringing - a call has been received but the user has not yet answered
- Line busy - the line is busy
- Conversation - the two parts in the phone call are talking
- Line disconnected - the call has ended but the handset is still off the hook
The triggers (events that can occur) are the following:
- Picking up the phone - the handset is picked up by the user
- Incoming call
- Ignore incoming call - the user decides not to answer
- Finished dialling
- Answered - the other part in the call answers the phone
- User hanging up - the user put down the handset
- Other part hanging up - the other part in the call put down the headset
So, let's create this telephone using solid-fsm
// Available states (as strings to make logging etc. prettier)
enum State {
Idle = 'Idle',
Dialling = 'Dialling',
WaitingForAnswer = 'WaitingForAnswer',
Ringing = 'Ringing',
LineBusy = 'LineBusy',
Conversation = 'Conversation',
LineDisconnected = 'LineDisconnected'
// Available triggers (also strings)
enum Trigger {
PickedUpPhone = 'PickedUpPhone',
IncomingCall = 'IncomingCall',
FinishedDialling = 'FinishedDialling',
Answered = 'Answered',
UserHungUp = 'UserHungUp',
OtherPartHungUp = 'OtherPartHungUp'
// The telephone context. Since the states aren't aware of eachother and have no means
// of interacting directly, the context can be used to share data between them. It also
// holds the current state of the state machine, which means that a state machine can
// be re-instantiated with a context from a previous instance and then continue in the
// state that it had before.
class Context implements StateMachineContext<State> {
state: State;
isLineBusy: boolean;
// State handlers, that are separate classes that contain logic for when a state is
// entered or exited. The handler for the Ringing state could look like this.
class RingingHandler implements StateHandler<Trigger, Context> {
bell: Bell;
constructor(bell: Bell) {
this.bell = bell;
entering(trigger: (trigger: Trigger) => Promise<void>, context: Context): Promise<void> {
return this.bell.start();
exiting(): Promise<void> {
return this.bell.stop();
// ... other handlers omitted for brevity
// And finally we compose these components into a full fledged telephone FSM by subclassing
// the StateMachine class.
export class TelephoneSm extends StateMachine<State, Trigger, Context> {
constructor() {
super(new Context());
configure() {
this.state(State.Idle).handledBy(new IdleHandler())
this.state(State.Ringing).handledBy(new RingingHandler())
this.state(State.Dialling).handledBy(new DiallingHandler())
.on(Trigger.FinishedDialling, ctx => ctx.isLineBusy).goesTo(State.LineBusy)
.on(Trigger.FinishedDialling, ctx => !ctx.isLineBusy).goesTo(State.WaitingForAnswer)
this.state(State.LineBusy).handledBy(new LineBusyHandler())
this.state(State.WaitingForAnswer).handledBy(new WaitForAnswerHandler())
this.state(State.Conversation).handledBy(new ConversationHandler())
this.state(State.LineDisconnected).handledBy(new LineDisconnected())
// And then we make use of our new telephone in a fancy async fashion
const t = new TelephoneSm();
await t.start();
// State -> Idle
await t.trigger(Trigger.IncomingCall);
// State -> Ringing
await t.trigger(Trigger.PickedUpPhone);
// State -> Conversation
// Invalid triggers are NOT OK
await t.trigger(Trigger.IncomingCall);
// Error: Trigger IncomingCall is not valid on state Conversation
await t.trigger(Trigger.UserHungUp);
// State -> Idle
Handling invalid triggers
If you don't want an error to be thrown if an invalid trigger is fired, you can provide your own custom handler.
.withInvalidTriggerListener(async (state: State, trigger: Trigger) => {
console.log(`Invalid trigger on state ${state}: ${trigger}`);
.state(State.Idle).handledBy(new IdleHandler())
Tracking transitions
Transitions, when the state machine exits one state and enters the next, can be convenient to track and log. You can provide your own handler for that, too.
.withTransitionListener(async (sourceState: State, targetState: State) => {
console.log(`Transitioning: ${sourceState} -> ${targetState}`);
Execute code on trigger
You can also configure a state to execute code when a specific trigger is fired on a state. The state machine will execute the code but stay in the same state. Let's extend the telephone to handle a second incoming call by playing a pre-recorded message.
this.state(State.Conversation).handledBy(new ConversationHandler())
.on(Trigger.IncomingCall).execute(async ctx => {'in_another_call.mp3');